There is also an album or two of theirs posted over at walknthebass' site and hopefully they are still available because they are actually as good or better than this, their 1980 LP called Ouch!.

Next, a great heavy progger with an early stoner vibe (these guys played and hung out with Sabbath so.....what more proof could you ask for). I swear I saw this posted elsewhere but my requester assures me it's nowhere to be found so here it be. Covers and stuff in the rar on this one.

And another by request, the first Nutz LP. I think I may have posted it before,or seen it somewhere, but if not, cool. If it's somewhere else, let me know and I'll take it down. There is so much great stuff posted these days it's getting very hard to be original.

And for the final post for the evening. Requested in the last batch o'comments and yet another I didn't think I had but shasta-kazzamm* there is was on my list.
I had to copy all of these by hand from rapidshare who can't I can't seem to figure out how to get the links from anymore. So if a link doesn't work email me and I'll fix it.
*Holy Fuck!!!
Poor great
But the file is nothing to find
I just checked and it's the Spooky Tooth. Will fix immediately!
Sorry about that!
It's fixed now. Download away!!
I couldn't find anything from Lake on the walknthebass site. And this site isn't updated recently.
So that's bad luck.
Just in to say that you are doing a great job!
Always a treat to check in to your blog and find some good ol´rock´n´roll.....
Can I make a request?
Couple of bands that are completely impossible to get a hold of (been trying for 3 years now)
-Phoenix (UK) 1975-76, made one album, some of the bandmembers from Argent in there.
-Hammersmith (Canada) 1975-76 made a couple of albums, especially the one with the hit song: "Funky as she goes" on it is the one I´m looking for.
-Lynx (Canada) Hardrock, late 70´s first album great rock´n´roll.
Well I hope you didn´t get upset with me making requests and I hope you understand that requests or not, your blog is topnotch!!!!
Take care
Very kind of You. Thank You for "Witness".
Walkn' has been MIA for awhile, the Lake was one of his first posts, maybe the post was deleted. I'll take a look and see and possibly repost them here. Their albums are inexplicably out of print in the U.S. I think the only way to get them right now is high priced Japaneze imports although I may be wrong.
bobo--Don't have the Phoenix you are looking for (there is a Krautrock Phoenix and a UK Phoenix too so thanks for letting me know the group you are looking for--I'll keep my eye out for it). The only Hammersmith I have is the 1976 LP It's For You (I don't think it has the song you mentioned)and I am raring it up for a small post this evening as I write this. And nothing by Lynx. Since it is Canadian hard rock I have two very reputable sources for Canuck-rock and I will check with them.
Schraff- You are welcome
Oh yes, and I haven't forgotten that Simon Stokes track, just too lazy to hook up the turntable again. I will get it done before I go back to work Tuesday.
Thanks for a great share :-)
Thanx, you are a good man my blogging friend:-)
Excellent Blog GREAT Stuff been looking for Nutz stuff Especially "Hard Nutz" did not know they had 4 would like to see them all if possible.
Also I second boboviking in the search of "Lynx" first album been missing this for over 15 years yessssssssssss.
Thanks so much for Nutz. I've been waiting for a year now for someone to post the first two albums. I 'lost' my copies over 20 years ago and have been wanting to hear them again forever. Any chance of upping Nutz Too.
thanks for posting the spooky tooth
To the person requesting a repost of the Old Grey Whistle Test with Alex Harvey. I will see if I can dig it up. That was a really old post.
Nutz Too is coming tonight.
All Necromandus albums have been posted on the excellent blog heavyrockspectacular.blogspot.com. It even has an expanded version of Orexis of Death (with 2 bonus tracks). The live album is also too good.
The Lake-links are still functioning. Use the adress given by Simon.
Their is damn good stuff here Thanks again.
I see in Dec. you had two albums I have been searching years fo could you or someone PLEEEEEEEEESE Post These:
Hustler - Play Loud
Fantasy - Fantasy
I hear there was a second Fantasy if thats around.
Thank you and hats off to time traveller for great blog.
I'll do my best to get those back up in the near future.
By the way, for you fans of the Stonehouse Creek I posted awhile ago, I just an email that Garcola over at 8 Days in April has just posted a great rip at 320 from a new CD release. Go grab it quick, his links seem to disappear pretty quick!!
as far as I can tell from my records, only Hard Nutz has been posted recently. so thanks for the earlier stuff.
Could you please repost Dirty Tricks - Hit N Run & if you have it Night Man appreciate it.
Excellent stuff here.
Anonymous said:
I couldn't find anything from Lake on the walknthebass site. And this site isn't updated recently.
So that's bad luck.
Better look again - I just made sure all the links were updated to RS-com last weekend. Plenty of Lake there.
And thanks for the plug Time Traveller!
Or click the Archive tab at the top.
Oh - And I apologize for the lack of posts over at my place. I've been busy "walknthabass "with the band (working on a new CD) so I haven't had a lot of time to post lately. I'll get back to it after I finish writing my Grammy acceptance speech!
Hi Walkn!! Glad to hear you are living up to your name. Sure do miss those very nice promo vinyl rips!! Very understandable the band has to come first! When you get some tunes together I'd love to hear a snippet or two. Take care and keep in touch.
And I will have that update I promised three days ago up tomorrow evening. I got called into work every night this week so far and TT needs the $$.
I will see what I can do for ya Residentevil2 on those other Dirty Looks, but they still may be posted over at 6070rock.blogspot.com. Check there and if they are gone drop me another line.
The Hustler Play Loud & Fantasy Lps are "shitty vinyl rips" as one happy visitor here called them, but I will do my best to repost in the near future. My repost request list is pretty long, so give me a bit.
Sorry to report that NUTZ has been "forbidden to be shared".
Just wanted to say thank you, TT for all the fine music.
Doesn't surprise me. That's why I quit using rapidshare before. They will delete any file when anyone files a complaint. They don't bother to check to see if it's a legitimate complaint or not. It's bullshit and when this account expires I'm going back to megaupload and deposit files.
I know that pisses some people off, but too bad. It takes a long time to do this stuff and then it takes one asshole 10 seconds to fuck it up
Thanks for all the posts.
Are you still going to be selling some of your records?
Yes, I want to get rid of about 400-500 albums. But I am having trouble finding a site to put them on. I don't want a lot of $$ for them (there is nothing extrememly rare in the buch) and ebay fees are ridiculous for items that only bring acouple bucks apiece. I'm thinking about opening a shop on GEMM in the near future. I asked a few posts back if anyone had any ideas of other good places to post them and I got zero replies, so I did some searching and GEMM seems to be the best. I will add my link here when I get them listed.
Thanks for replying on my Dirty Tricks request. I downed twice the other Dirty Tricks "Hit & Run" & Night Man" but there must have been dirt on the CD rips. Seems on my favourite songs they stutter at times.
I have Hustler - Play Loud on CD.
I can post it in a few days if you want it.
Be cool if you post Hustler - Play It Loud and repost Hard Nutz
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