For those of you who just hang around for the music, I just posted a few new ones so go on below and grab 'em.
I am not gonna go off on deleter assholes or anything like that, I've just been reading a lot stuff the past few days that has gotten me to thinking about the state of the world and the absolute mess we are in.
What terrifies me most is that things are getting worse daily, weekly and monthly and no one seems to want to stop any of it. Where are all the people crying out about the injustices in the world. Have we all become sheep? Why does everyone seem to be willing to let the government take our lives over and not let out a whimper.
Watch the following and see if it doesn't unnerve you a bit. It is a parody of sorts but it is a chilling prediction of things to come. And if you think it can't happen here, listen to the Frank Zappa song with that title or any number of his early Mothers songs and see he was a bit more prophetic than he seemed 15 or 20 years ago. scares me is how the world is getting scarfed up at an alarming rate by a few individual companies whose main objective seems to be to rule this world. There used to be laws to keep this sort of thing from happening. Now all of these DMRC and IPPA laws are being legislated as a smoke screen to keep the agencies that should be watchdogging multi-national corporations busy watchdogging internet file sharers and people using pirated software. Don't worry about our country becoming the Fourth Reich, the Social Republic of WalMart, or the Eisner States of America, for Christ sake Johnny is downloading the new Madonna single. Never mind the fact Johnny can't afford that CD because he already works for us for subhuman slave wages, never mind the fact that record companies phased out real singles 15 years because no one was buying the rest of her horrid fucking album, and never mind that he can go to any library in America and "borrow" and rip the damn file in the privacy of his own home. He is on "our" internet and now he must pay dearly. Prison for Christsakes, or a portion of his subhuman slave wage check for the rest of his life here on "our" earth.
Move out the mass murderers, move out the child rapists, move out the terrorists, because we need prison space for internet pirates.
What is next folks? When two or three major companies own 90% of the world who do you think is going to make the decisions? Nobodies like you and me or the 5 major shareholders of WalMart whose combined salaries beat the combined total of everyone who works for them? And don't forget they are the world's biggest employer. What does that tell you? And stop and think as you buy that 4 pack of shit tickets for 79 cents less than the mom and pop store (if you are lucky enough to still have those, if not they were the guys down the street that actually cared to get to know you and your family) that is just a few dollars away from sticking that huge red going out of business sign in their front window, am I somehow partly responsible for killing the dream? Remember when the middle class ruled? Remember when you were a kid and your dad who worked for General Motors made a house payment, a car payment, payed all the other bills and still had enough left over to take you to the ballgame or maybe enough time to hang out and play ball in the front yard because he didn't have to work 3 jobs to survive under the conditions WE have sat back and let happen. Remember when moms could stay home and care for your needs? Could this be a direct cause of why our world has become so impersonal and cold, because mom has to work and cannot nurture the children into loving caring human beings. Why does a house that sold for 10,000 dollars in the 60's now sell for 100,000? Why does a car that sold for 2400 in the 60s now cost 25,000? Does the guy that made 3.00 an hour in the sixties actually make 30.00 an hour now? For the most part I doubt it. But I do know that CEO that made 25,000 a year in the 60s probably makes 2,000,000 (or more) now. Does that tell you anything about why prices are so high? It should. I could go on and on about this, and reasons why everyone should stop this madness and start caring about human beings once more. Start making a differnece in people's lives and quit worrying about weather their paycheck is 3 billion or 4 billion this year. Start paying people a decent wage so that crime and alcoholism rates go down. Stop profiting off the misery of others and start showing some compasion before it's too late. To lift a passage from FZ the prophet again, if there is a hell, it surely waits for these multi death corporations, oil barrons, politicians who cater to big business and not the needs of it's people, slave labor cartels, record companies who profit from their own consumers who can't afford to buy everything they push like dope, and heaven, if it exists will be an empty paradise where the tired and downtrodden have the last laugh. Or maybe what we exist in now is that hell we have to deal with for eternities to come.
All I'm trying to say it, get educated if you aren't already. Dig around, seek the truth. It's out there, you just have to sniff it out. It's buried behind all the yellow smiley faces, it's buried behind the Snow White and Mickey Mouse costumes, it lurks underneath every shining facade "they" can try "their" best to mask it with. Look around and you may be surprised to see that once you find it in the deep recesses "they" try to hide, it's right out there in the open for all to see. You just missed it the first time around. Maybe we all just need to pay more attention.
Here are some places to start: (if you read nothing else read this!!!) no I don't agree with all Moore's viewpoints (I am a moderate, and also I think he is a hypocrite to some extent) so as I mentioned above don't let one huge "Corporation" have the last word: do your own searches! There is so much information that SHOULD scare and shock you. Even if you are lucky enough to be one of the richest one precent of the world. But of course if you were you probably wouldn't be on a little ol blog like this looking for free stuff would you? But always remeber approximately 90 percent of the world who aren't already considered impoverished are only one paycheck away from being so. And part of the other 10 percent are 2 paychecks away. That scares the living shit outta me.
But I think it's time we wake up and smell the tapioca. I hate coffee.
And I'd love to hear your thoughts on my little rant, weather they are positive or negative.
Thanks in advance, and thanks for reading if you did so.