.....I started to do a few requests and ended up going apeshit. So without further adieu, adon't and ahalfassdo, I bring you a megasuperpost that should have something for everybody. So if you like what I put up here please go over to the liveandotherwise blog and show me a bit of like by clicking on a few ads over there. I really could use the dough. Gas is ridiculous these days and I work at a gas station.

First up, since the other Babe Ruth I posted went over fairly well, here is yet another. From 1975 it's Stealin' Home.
And for some prog done German style you could do worse than these guys. Kaputter Hamster's self titled 1973 LP.
Some southern styled hard rock from 1979 is represented here by Two Guns with their lone LP called Balls Out. And Balls Out it is. Good stuff.
Here's some more West Coast pop-sike. From Frisco it's the Serpent Power's lone LP that was released on Vanguard in 1967. Heavy Dead, Airplane, (and especially) Country Joe & the Fish vibe on this one. My faves tend to be the two instrumentals and of course there is the seemingly manditory novelty drug reference song here, thankfully it's only 30 seconds long. This one is surprisingly good, and grows on you with repeated listenings.
Some pre-Sensational Alex Harvey Band hard boogie rock with Zal and the boys . Here's Tear Gas' 1970 LP (I think '69 overseas) Piggy Go Getter. This should be played loud (and often).
A repost by request. If you got this the last time I posted it and dug it, you may want to grab this, it's at 320kbps, but the tracks aren't separated. But it sounds so much better than the old rip I had.
Another request, this time for some (more) pop-sike. This is the Peanut Butter Conspiracy's third LP For Children of All Ages.
Yet another If LP, this one is an unusually long tile for these guys. I guess they got tired of the 1, 2, 3 Chicago style of album titles. And they are quite the comedians when they wanna be. Could that title be any more tongue in cheek?
Some Italian bluesy psych-hard-rock recorded in 1969, but not released til 1990 according to the website which I could only read little bits of. Great rippin' fuzz guitar and an ep length make this a good place to start with these guys. This is Il Balletto di Bronzo - Il Re Del Castillo
Next up is a great one from Creepy John Thomas. Bluesy hard rock from 1970 with Brother Bat Bone. Think maybe I should stop now?
Nah, I'm on a roll here. Yet another request (and sorry about this sorry cover) here is the Dirty Blues Band's 1969 LP Stone Dirt. The music? It's Dirty Blues for God's sake!!
Frijid Pink's were kind of missing in action when they released this 1975 LP, All Pink Inside to little or no fanfare. But it isn't really that far off from their earlier stuff, maybe a bit more mainstream. But still worthy of a little ear time.
Can't forget the folk fans, although this is kinda psych folk. But it does involve Richard and Mimi Farina and is a great listen. From 1969 it's a Message From Birmingham Sunday.
For the hard rock fans out there this the first of a couple I have posted for your enjoyment. This was originally posted at the great 6070rock blog about a year ago and I got a request for it, so I checked and the link was dead, so I took the liberty of reripping it. So here is Hydra's 1975 LP Land of Money.
And the second of of the hard rock, here's one I can't say enough great things about. Either released in 1973 or 1978 originally (the CD says '78) depending on who's site you go to. It definetly sounds more '73 style to me. The rewiews all point to Black Sabbath as the reference point, but I tend to think more along the lines of the first two Blue Oyster Cult albums as this is ominous sounding but not quite heavy or dirgelike enough to really compare with Sabbath. But it's fantastic stuff nonetheless and I love this one and have been playing it endlessly the past few days.
And finally, finally, here is the 1973 LP Substratum from Country Lane. I think Garcola originally had this on 8 Days, but I re-ripped it as a request for somebody.
http://depositfiles.com/files/830545Look for a post over at the liveandotherwise blog very soon, I've been slacking a bit over there, but Kit has been more than making up for my neglect. Great stuff over there, and click those ads (I know---shut up already about that).
Hello Byron
No problem with the Cover,for me it is the musik.Thanks
Puh so much good thinks today also thanks for Tear Gas,Frijyd Pink and Serprnt Power.Easy sound
Thanks for Creepy John Thomas. Can you post their other album(s)?
Bryon, nice post my friend, thank you as always, especially for the Two Guns album which i've never heard, but have been questing after for ages. Damn i said "questing",i sound like some geeky d&d fanboy nerd.
Interestingly & spookily, i've got Hydra's 3rd & final album "Rock The World" lined up to post at L&O next time. Great minds thinking alike or fools seldom differing? Lol.The choice is yours. ;)
Hi Kit,
We're music nerds. Probably just as bad, but i figure, you gotta quest after something.
At least we aren't hurting anyone with our quests (although certain people seem to think we are).
Anyways, I really got a bunch of stuff in some trades recently so I have a renewed interest in sharing right now. I just posted 7 or 8 albums over at LOA. There's a great Captain Beyond live show, and that Flight of the Griffin that was requested as well as a few surprises.
I'm hoping my renewed vigor stays for awhile!
As usual forgot to say, I don't think I have any other Creepy John, but I'll see what I can do in the near future.
Some more great stuff thanks Time Traveller.
Great post!
Kaputter hamster is great stuff, Real down to earth krautrock.
Downloaded Ice cross aswell, haven't listened to it yet though.
The Icecross album is great.
Thanks TT.
Hey byron, thanks a lot for Morgan and all the others. Once again, great blog
To the person who is looking for Creepy John Thomas-stuff:
At Garcolga's you will find this album 'Brother Bat Bone' and the other album 'Creepy John Thomas' combined. You'll have to look way back in the archives.
It seems to me this band had only two albums.
Taking a look at your blog, I found the Fredric´s Phases and faces album,but it was impossible to download it.Please,can you upload it again? The last time I heard this album was 15 years ago and I´d like to hear these marvelous songs again.
Thanks in advance!!
Thanks for the Creepy John Thomas link.
I idn't even know Garcolga existed..another great blog!
I'll see what I can do on the Fredric....
This is the link to one omy albums. My name is Titus Luxor.
Thanks for Country Lane. I never heard of this swiss prog-band before. I does remind me a little bit at Tea. They're also from Switzerland.
I've just heard Babe Ruth, what an album ! I didn't know that band, I like her voice.
Thank you.
I love Tea. The singer, Marc Storace went on to Krokus. Good stuff. I may see about posting one of their albums, it's above average hard prog.
JP--If you search back a previous post or two, you can grab another Babe Ruth album. And if you search around blogland I just saw their first album posted too, but I forgot where I saw it. Jenny Haan is a very powerful vocalist. Sometimes too powerful as her voice sometimes goes out of control, but I think that's part of her charm.
For JP: try to find 'First Base' from Babe Ruth. That's the best one. Especially 'The Mexican' is a great song.
TT, thanks for Two Guns. It rocks! A pleasant surprise!
Tea is awesome. Especially their 1st one 'Tea'. They are both posted at the Out of Focus-blog ('Tea' in March and 'The ship' in February).
Again great stuff Time Traveller I wish to thank you once more for this great blog and also ask if you have ARTFUL DODGER which came to mind when the REX discussion was going on saw them backing KISS/BOC on the Destroyer tour and never did get any of their stuff.
Hey Res,
I posted an Artful Dodger album in the early daze of the blog. I have the Honor Among Thieves CD, but all my CDs are packed up right now in anticipation of a move this summer.
I still dig through them from time to time and if I come across it I will repost it. But I don't get at them as much as I used to, so keep watchin' and I will do my best.
residentevil 2- The Artful/BOC/KISS concert at Varsity Stadium in T.O. Ont. Can.?Was it around 1976-77?We left before KISS did there set. Love the Dodger from that day on!!! I am sort of a newbie 49 going on 50 who bought my first computer a year ago,so,I am just trying to find out how things work in COMPUTER LAND!!! Not sure,but, in past comments here you said you are Canadian? I am from London Ont Can The Forest Citeeeeey. Like I said I am just learning to Rip albums etc. In Can they say UP-loading IS A NO-NO!!!!! How would I go about,maybe,posting,a couple albums on this site,if it is o.k. with T.T.??? So if you or T.T. could some how give me some direction on HOW!!! I would love Tuh!!!
Thanks for the Artful Dodger. I saw them open for Rush on the "All the World's a Stage" tour, but never owned any of their records. Tell residentevil he can pick up the 1st REX album here...
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