I got some info from a co-worker of Inga Rumpf's named Moni Kellerman:
I would like you to know that Inga Rumpf is about to re-release 3 of her previously deleted solo albums as a double CD on her own label, 25th Hour Music. It will be called "London - New York - Berlin" and feature all tracks from the LPs "My Life Is A Boogie", "I Know Who I Am" and "Reality", plus 3 previously unreleased songs. Germans can buy the album here:
And also have received a couple emails from Win Bent, the bassist for the band Raw Honey that I posted a long time ago and can be found by doing a blog search at the top of this page.
Duane Schumacher started Raw Honey in Yellow Springs, Ohio, in the early 1970s. At some point, my sister Janet joined as a vocalist, and she and Duane fell in love. Their bass player moved on to other projects, and Janet told Duane about her little brother who, at a mere 16 years of age, was already a pretty good bass player. Or perhaps a "good enough" bassist. At any rate, Duane and Janet and guitarist Jeff Parker brought me into the group, and as far as I can remember we instantly started planning the "Ragweed" album (or plans were already underway). The album was recorded at Antioch College, in their main performance auditorium, during Spring Break in 1974 - in other words, we had a strict deadline for finishing, before the students returned! Duane had a TEAC 4-track, probably a model A-3340S, which allowed us to do some basic overdubs. We all sang, and played multiple instruments: - Duane: Autoharp, Acoustic Piano - Jeff: Acoustic and Electric Guitars - Win: Acoustic and Electric Basses - Carl (Duane's brother): Organ, Electric Piano - Janet: Vocals, Whistling, and Misc. Percussion Duane had the 4-track masters mixed down in nearby Dayton (I don't know where), and when the records arrived, we all gathered 'round to glue the black-and-white sheets onto the plain-white covers. I don't know the exact number, but I'd guess that there were perhaps 200 or 300 records pressed. The entire endeavor was financed by Duane - I believe he had a few lenders/donors, but I don't know. We sold the albums locally, at local stores and at our infrequent performances - plans to tour locally were never realized. Janet and Duane married in, um, 1980 or so (I'm supposed to know, since I was there, but...) and spent many blissful years in Olympia, WA, until Duane succumbed to cystic fibrosis, a disease which he'd managed and overcome for many years. Janet still lives in that area of Washington, Jeff has been in San Francisco for many years, I believe Carl bounces periodically between Yellow Springs and Los Angeles, and I've gravitated to Austin, TX. I'm not sure about Jeff, but the rest of us are still active musicians. I cannot overstate this: Duane was one of my mentors, whether he knew it or not. He brought me into his group, and treated me like a peer. The experience I got from playing with Raw Honey lead to over 30 years of playing and loving music. Not surprisingly, I'd be willing to respond to any questions or comments you may have. Thanks for giving me the chance to reminisce! - Win
Thanks for the Ekseption and Fireballet! I always thought that "Night On Bald Mountain" had a great riff! Heh, heh. Best wishes from Eddie!
Thanks for the Fireballet!
Man I hated that packaging for the Alice Cooper album! Back in the day you could only put out so many albums in a rack because of that thick cardboard box. Yet it was pretty innovative. You don't see much cool packaging for CD's like that these days!
I was looking for this album and ended up here. Good to see it twice. :P
Thanks a lot for the Alice Cooper album... A few months back I requested Hawkwind's In Search of Space and you posted that one as well, so I thank you again.
Thanks for the Fireballet post-I had this on vinyl years ago and haven't seen it since I (foolishly) sold my vinyl collection!
Also wondering if you have heard of another band, who I seem to remember were also on Passport-Emperor, 1975-76? Anyone help?
Thanks for the great recent posts TT, i've got a small request that you may be able to help me with.
I've been searching to no avail for some Cat Mother.
I've got "The Street Giveth..", but am on the lookout for "Cat Mother", "Albion Doo-Wah" and "Last Chance Dance".
If anyone can, Bryon can, i thought. Is possible?
I have been looking for Cat Mother Albion on MP3 to save myself a vinyl rip, I don't think the album I have is in very good shape. I will get out my jeweler's lense and if I am willing to chance it, I will rip it in the next few days. If not I will let you know. I have never seen the 3rd album (I have a mint copy of Street Giveth which seems to be the most common one).
Also to the person who asked about Emperor, I don't have those but sure would like to check them out if anyone can help.
the jeweler's lens thing was a joke, I'm using an optivisor these days.
I'm not sure which order they came out in, apart from that "The Street..." was first.
I still have my vinyl copy of "Cat Mother", but no turntable anymore.
Pity, i love that album, "She Came From A Different World" "Letter To The President" and "Heebiejeebies", all classics.
Thanks for the Alice Cooper. Much appreciated. Is anyone else have ing trouble with tracks 4 and 5? All I get is silence on these.
i've posted a comment for alice above
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