
Now on to harder stuff. Here's Babe Ruth's self titled 1975 LP with their great version of the theme from Fistful of Dollars. I guess a logical progression from their intriguing "the Mexican" from the First Base LP. Always liked these guys, from Jenny Hahn's powerful vocals to the general tightness of the band.

Fear Itself's self titled (and only) LP from 1969 treads the same waters as most early San Fran bands (wheater or not they were from that neck of the woods or not). Ellen McIlwaine definetly sounds like Grace from the Airplane a time or two (if not more) and the band pulls a lot of the same moves as many of those Haight Ashbury type bands (including the annoying habit of feeling the need to do one goofy novelty type tune with that 30's ragtime or jugband sound. I cannot count how many great psych albums are marred by that unnerving penchant by these bands). Anyways, some nice West Coast groovin' contained herein.

Couldn't find a cover for this one, nor do I know if it exists. This band (the) Shag being a notable presence on many festival bills during the late sixties and for sure releasing at least one single during their existance (the one pictured, sadly not contained on this album) this album maybe a comp of sorts or a reissue. This one kinda threw me for a loop as the first track, "Gypsies In the Forest" sounds like it might have been a Jethro Tull outtake with a different singer during the Mick Abrahams period. Bluesy prog/psych stuff with quite a bit of charm. Then the second track began. Whoa....if it weren't for the singer being so recognizable, I'd swear it was a different band!! Hard rock, actually quite jammin' hard rock with loud fuzzy guitars up high in the mix, blastin' forth some grade A tunes. Stunned I tried to find some info on the band, as usual other that what I gave you above I couldn't find out much. But here's another of those finds I get so happy about. Any info? Please share!!
And finally, I am finally getting my album collection posted on a site called GEMM. I have about 50 on there already, but I plan on getting several hundred up by this weekend. I am going to be moving before summer ends and I would like to avoid moving as many of these as possible. Some have been posted here, some will surprise. I didn't just collect psych, prog and hard rock (although there are plenty of those) but there are many genres (country, jazz, new wave--all kinds of stuff). Next post I will give the address of the website and hopefully you can grab some goodies cheap (by no means am I giving them away, but I'm not pricing them anywhere near book values, there will be lots of 1-2 dollar albums there).
Back soon.