Here's a great proggy-rock album from Skin Alley called 2 Quid Deal. And seeing as they were on the Stax label in 1973 that's probably the deal they got too. Stax, primarily a soul label based in Memphis Tennesee, was way out of their element in releasing this one, and I've seen more white label promos of this LP than standard stock copies. Also it didn't help that the label was on it's last legs by this time, the top artists were either dead or out of vogue with the record buying public in the early to mid 70's. So with 2 strikes against the band (a third being progressive rock in general had no real U.S. following unless they had the names Yes or Emerson Lake & Palmer). They released this fantastic album that basically didn't get heard.
The album I have ripped (a U.S. promo copy of course) is a bit worse for wear but still very listenable. I have dug this LP ever since I first took a chance on it (who could refuse that cover?) for a couple bucks at a used store in the mid nineties. Not a bad track in the bunch and standouts (to my eardrums) are Graveyard Shuffle and the Demoagouge. Brillinat stuff!!!!
LIQUID SMOKE - same (Avco Embassy)
Kinda of a bummer on this one. The first track, a cover of I Who Have Nothing, luckily for me the weakest track among the bunch, had a skipping problem I just could not fix. If you want it, this is for sale right now on ebay for the budget price of 60 damn dollars. I got mine for .50 at a flea market a few years back and I'll take the 59.50 discount for the skips on track one. It could be fixed, because the all the parts are there (listen to figure that one out). I wonder if the Black Crowes heard the version of Hard to Handle on here because their version sounds awful close. But on this album it's the originals that are the best, with some nice fuzzy rippin' guitar and cool organ runs. Give it a shot.

Which came first? The album came out in 1971.
A band called Nutz. Hmmmm.......... An album called Hard Nutz. Double hmmmm. But actually this is some pretty cool hard rock with interesting production. The guitars sound like they are put through every effects box known to man all at the same time. Seems like the band is going for a heavy Queen vibe at times, especially with the background vocals but, at other times it's a more straightforward hard rock vibe. Only one downside to this was the bass heavy production, which is a bit strange considering the painstaking state of art sound they got otherwise. Well, just decrease the bottom end and you'll have a cool hard LP (for '77 anyways).
Enjoy, back with more tomorrow and will finally get the liveandotherwise blog updated too.