Thanks also to those who responded favorable to my Friday post. I couldn't respond to everyone and the emails were real nice too, I will get back to all who emailed (that I haven't already) in short order.
For now here are a couple nuggets for your downloading pleasure. My usual ripper, that I love dearly has disappeared from my computer (did some bios updates and reg edits, and I think I accidentally removed it) and I am using a freeware one til I can dig out my software to relaod it so this is an appetite whetter of what will be a smokin' update (maybe later today, tomorrow at the latest) with some requests and some surprises.

More Groundhogs, from 1970 here is Thank Christ For the Bomb. Still has some of the psych leanings like split but edging away from it slowly. Still an excellent album from Tony and the boys.

From 1972 here is Who Will Save the World--The Mighty Groundhogs. Love that cover!!! And the music ain't bad either. Starting to move into their mid-period hard rockin' sound on this one.

Great later period Rory, Fresh Evidence is from 1990 and was self produced. My version is the original IRS release and this is the cover for that one. It was reissued with a close up head shot after Rory's death.

Found this at a CD shop over the weekend and just decided to throw it up. This according to the very shabby liners is a live document, venues and dates unlisted of early Hawkwind. Not great sound quality, but far from horrendous, and decent versions of some early stuff here.
For right now that's all from me, but Bruce has sent some great stuff to share with everyone and I'll reprint what he sent along with the files. I did find one cover that wasn't included and have posted it here.
Hunger - same
about the band
According to members of the band, Strawberry Alarm Clock guitarist Ed King volunteered to re-arrange some of the material and contribute his lead guitar in the preparation of a new master. The results were truly stunning, and the remastered Hunger! album was immediately put into production and scheduled for release... but halted after only a handful of vinyl test pressings were made. This is the album reissued on the Void label, licensed from the band, that is highly recommended.
King's influence is most obvious on the opening track, Colors - transformed from a bouncy pop song (2'00") on the Strictly From Hunger album to a wicked hard rocker ala Steppenwolf with amazing dual lead guitar parts (now stretching to 3'35"). Portland '69 follows, this time radically remixed (i.e., it's the same recording, but hardly recognisable!) and what is a rather laboured instrumental on the Strictly From Hunger album is now a brutal tour-de-force that builds to an incredible intensity. The remaining tracks are remade and/or remodeled as well, rendering the released vesion obsolete. Really, this is the Hunger! album to have, and had it been issued at the time, the band may well have survived into the seventies.
Bill Daffern left the band in 1969, which may be the reason the remastered album wasn't released - his distinctive lead vocals (heard on She Let Him Continue and No Shame) were part of the Hunger! sound from day one. He was replaced on drums by Gene Gunnels of the Strawberry Alarm Clock, and this final line-up played a few gigs before the band split for good.
Love - A Product of Our Times (live bootleg)
a great live recording of love with art work. this is a nice boot i picked up last summer on the cape
next is kind of a oddity its billy mumy " will from lost in space" i just picked this up. he plays all instruments. i have heard his barns and barns but never any serious music by him. i was impressed king of a rural rocky sound. thought it was worth passing along i have never seen any of his stuff posted.

This is just a giant thank you for taking the time and effort (I know how much work really goes into this) to post all of this wonderful music! If I can help in any way, let me know here. I mostly have instrumental surf music (old and new), but I also have a fairly huge collection of the rock albums that I grew up on - a lot of early T Rex, Frank Zappa, Gentle Giant, etc.
Thanks for the Arthur Lee/Love.
bill mumy is better known for his role on BABYLON 5 as LENIER. I heard he had a rock band that was pretty good, but I never heard him.
Hi Eek, always looking for contributions. If you have any stuff from slightly obscure late 60's, early to mid 70's rock, psych & prog I'd be glad to post it. I'm always looking for new stuff. As far as surf goes, I'm looking for an upgrade to my Esquires Dionysus set Flashin' Red, the box set by the Sunrays, Ritchie Allen's Pacific Surfers LP and Mr. Gasser & the Weirdos. Also like those various artists comps like Surf Bunnies & Hot Rod Honeys and stuff like that.
Hi TT,
a small query for ya...
I was reading your blurb accompanying the Hunger post and the name Bill Daffern was ringing a bell with me, it took a while but it came to me.
Is Bill Daffern one and the same with Willy Daffern who was the vocalist for Captain Beyond at the time of the "Dawn Explosion" album?
Or do i have too much trivia swilling about in my head?
I am almost positive they are in fact the same person. But I will search a bit 'round the net to be sure. That name struck a chord with me too and I couldn't place it until your comment!
Bill Daffern left the band in 1969, which may be the reason the remastered album wasn't released - his distinctive lead vocals (heard on She Let Him Continue and No Shame) were part of the Hunger! sound from day one. He was replaced on drums by Gene Gunnels of the Strawberry Alarm Clock, and this final line-up played a few gigs before the band split for good.
Daffern pursued a career in rock for several years after leaving Hunger!. He was next heard playing drums in Truk, and was lead vocalist on the final Captain Beyond album (Dawn Explosion (Warner Bros. )) released in 1977.
there's never too much usless music trivia. i can't tell you when the cival war was but ican tell ya the lead singer of something like this or which episod gilligan did anything in, Bruce
Thanks for clearing that up Bruce, i thought it was too unusual a surname for it to be coincidence.
Last i heard Willie/Bill was lead singer with a band called Zoomlenz, i have them covering "Sweet Dreams" on a Captain Beyond Tribute album called A Thousand Days Of Yesterdays which came out in Sweden in 1999.
Thanks for the history lesson!
Hey Bigfoot kit, do you by any chance have that Captain Beyond tribute? I have been looking to replace my lost copy for a few years. Any help would be appreciated!
Hi TT, indeed i do, I'm a HUGE Captain Beyond fan.
If you can explain to me how to post it i'll do my best to help you out.
If that's not do-able i can burn it to disc for you.
I'm only too happy to be able to help you out with some music for a change!
You may be interested to know that there's live video of the original band from Montreux in 72 over at 6070 rock.
i see today that Arthur Lee has passed away. another great one gone. if you are a fan download the live disc it is very good. would be interested in the captain beyond trobute also . Bruce
Bigfoot Kit--first I should ask if you have an audio ripper prog like CDex or something to convert files to MP3. Most of the newer Nero and Roxio burning burning software has rippers on them. Then you just take the converted files and put them into a folder and compress them with winrar or winzip. Then you just upload to rapidshare or megaupload (or any of a seeminly thousand other file sharing sites) and send the download code. I would really love to hear that CD again. I wish I knew what happened to my copy that I paid over 20 bucks for on ebay. I especially love Pentagram's version of Dancing Madly Backwards, but I love the Flower Kings and Locomotive Breath too.
Have e-mailed you reply TT, check your inbox.
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You did a great job, but I am sorry to say, but all of the bill mumy.rar archieves at rapid share do not work anymore. What can I do now?
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