Lots of fun stuff this evening. Here is a Canadian band I don't know a whole lot about except this LP was released in 1970, it was produced by Jack Richardson who produced a lot of rock back in the 70's, and it varies between sunshine pop songs and harder rock with some blazing fuzzed leads on other numbers. Guess which my favorites are? Although you can't see it here mine has a neat-o gweet-o silvery metallic cover like the Silver Apples 1st album (and Steppenwolf's 1st on some editions).

And a 180 degree brings us to Zebra's first album from 1983. These guys were marketed as the next Zep back in the early hair metal daze. Randy Jackson was a member of a Zep tribute band before this group, and he does pull off more than a few Percyisms from time to time throughout the 35 or so minutes of this platter. Most people want this for the two huge FM staples "Who's Behind the Door?" and "Tell Me Want You Want" but really the first five songs are great proggy hard rock. The last 4 are not as good in my opinion but when my friends and I were wearing out my vinyl copy of this we never got past side one most of the time, so it may be a case of giving them "One More Chance". By request, but I can't remember who, sorry!

A great garage album in my opinion, in fact one of the few I can stomach listening to all the way through is this slab of tex-mex zaniness from the frat-rock days of 1966. These guys wrote more than the average amount of original material, which is why I think it scores more points with me. But the covers aren't bad either, Stormy Monday being a great blues raver that comes to mind. So here in all it's mono glory is Question Mark & the Mysterian's Cameo long player 96 Tears. WARNING: This one is recorded from vinyl and there are a few pops at the beginning's of a couple songs. The tracks are numbered 11-22, but 11 is actually 1 and so on.

These (or at least In the Garden) were posted on another blog that went kaput so I decided to upload them and post them on mine. These are the first 2 albums from the underrated band Gypsy (AKA: James Walsh Gypsy Band).
They are proggy, bouncing between hard and soft and are both all around solid LPs. Mine are the Bedrock CD reissues that came out in the mid to late 90's.

Here's In the Garden, (obviously) the 2nd album.

Okay, this is the cover of the original LP, but what I have for your enjoyment is MUCH better. I couldn't find the cover anywhere but it is a compilation with the same title from Edsel records UK back in '87. It removes many of the so-so tracks from the album pictured at left (like the lackluster Who covers) and replaces them with some really great single sides and turns a two star album into a five star album, so to speak. This comp has the hit of course, but also has the very psychedelic "Merry Go Round" and "Contrast" (a single that followed the album) both of which are favorites of mine. Yes they stole that middle section of "Psychotic Reaction" straight from the Yardbirds, but these guys had a few original moves too. Check 'em out. (p.s._the orig. is posted at another blog, I think Green Fuz).
And Bruce sent some more cool stuff to share.
Bill Mummy's Paradora's Box (this album came out before the previous one Bruce sent)
Big Brother - How Hard It Is
Gravy Train - Staircase to the Day
As always, thanks very much Bruce!!!
Thanks for the Gypsy, very nice. Do you or anybody out there have anything by the UK Gypsy that they could share?
Don't suppose you have the third & fourth Gypsy albums by any chance.
I already have "Gypsy" & "...Garden", two of my favourites, the band reminds me of Banchee, excellent stuff!
thanks for the gypsy lps,
I have Antithesis (I think thats what it's called without going and checking)on vinyl. But that's all. I may rip that one eventually.
FYI - the band Zebra are not from Canada, they are from Long Island - New York. I used to see them in the clubs up there in my wayward youth. They used to primarily play Led Zepplin covers, along with a few other covers, and a few original songs.
Someone told me Canada a long time ago and I guess that always stuck with me. But a visit to the Door (their website)will tell you their actual hometown is New Orleans. They began gigging in Long Island after getting a tip from someone or another. I just skimmed the story.
more thanks for posting the Gypsy records. i've been enjoying the first one for a while now but betting their second record makes my day!
great stuff - thanks!
Nice work! I added this blog to our links. Thanks for the files!
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Thanks a lot for the Noah - really really enjoying that one.
Found this about Noah on a Canadian website in case anyone is interested - Randy Bachman produced their second LP.
Gravy Train - track 4 is missing.
Is it possinle to put it on your blog to ccomplete the set?
Hey is that Gypsy the one from leicster in england?
My friends dad Robin Pizer, is their lead guitarist.
Ive been looking for his records for ages. The other band he was in was Legay, they had class songs.
is it possible for you to reload these 2 gypsy albums ?
thanks very much
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