The album kinda reminds me of a harder rock Al Stewart album and if you are an Al Stewart fan, give this a shot. Along with the hit "Driver's Seat" there are 2 other standout tracks, "Slide Away" and "Looking For You" and the others aren't slouches either.

And for Jonnhy Roberts blog. Here is Short Stories /Tall Tales from Horslips. This album originally released in 1979, turned out to be the final studio album from this celtic /folk/prog/rock band. This one is probably the hardest rocking of their repertoire. Enjoyable but far from their best. If anyone needs any others from the Horslips catalog, I have several, if not all of 'em.
Pretend there is a picture of some happy go lucky guys standing around in goofy poses wearing far out clothes with shit eating grins on their faces. You are probably close to what the cover that housed the music of Arc's self titled LP looked like. This is not the early seventies prog band, it is a one off LP released on the Lifesong label in 1978. Like almost every band that released an album on Lifesong that weren't Crack the Sky, Crack the Sky had quite a bit of input on this LP, mainly John Palumbo, who wrote or co-wrote about 80 percent of this thing. Problem is these songs are nowhere close to the caliber of songs on any of the CTSky albums, they are like throwaways. On the bright side, Arc is a talented band that polished these turds into highly entertaining mini-operatas (keeping in mind it's 70's rock) filled with multi-octave background vocals and thumping well produced music. About half the songs come off as bad disco, but the other half make up for it, standouts being leadoff track "I Feel Beautiful" , "Skindiver" and "Why Live For the Weekend" which is a great rocker. An album to listen to as an abstract, without paying too much attention to any detail too closely.
And a bunch of links from a friend who said to post these without credit:
Note : for the first two the links follow the title, after that, the links come before the title.
Neon Rose - Dust And Rust And... (Sweden, 1973-75) 117MB @224kbps with small covers plus website
A Foot In Cold Water - The Second Foot In Cold Water 49,5MB @192kbps
Valhalla - S/T (USA, 1972)
89MB @256 with covers
Condition Green - Life Of Change (Jap, 1977)
92MB @320 only front cover
Here's the other Bronco album at 192kbps with front cover:
Irish Coffee - S/T (reunion 2004) 84MB @320kbps with covers
Bronco - Country Home (UK, 1972)
47MB @192kbps c/covers
Brewer & Farm - Monumental Funk (1974) 32MB @160kbps w/small front cover (sorry, that's what I have...)
Bronco - Country Home (UK, 1972) 47MB @192kbps c/covers