So anyways, taking care of some requests and trades today (only 3oo hundred more to go. This is a good album from Brad Whitford of Aerosmith and Derek St. Holmes who sings for the Nuge when they can get along. Not better than Aerosmith's best, but better than what they were churning out around this time, this reminds me of a good Sammy Hagar LP (and in my opinion there aren't many of those). Not super heavy, but not wimpy at all and Brad shows he has some lead guitar chops that he never gets to display much with the 'smith. Not a bad LP at all.



Revival, A live reunion of sorts for Barclay James Harvest from 1999. Great sound and great versions of many of their great songs. Ripped at 320k.

The self titled album from 1969. This Blue Cheer is not the overamped band that recorded Vincebus Eruptum one year earlier. They expanded to a four piece, fleshed out the sound and lost the out of tune guitar solos and sledgehammer rhythm guitar, but this is still heavy and amazingly good rocknroll.
Enjoy everyone. Over at the live blog: Blackfoot from '81, Montrose at the Record Plant '74, Bob Dylan's Stealin' demos, and some other goofy stuff.
Added some new links--a few great blogs springing up to replace the ones that are now MIA or gone forever. Check them out and give them a reason to stick around!
nice to see you back with good music!pat
Thanks Pat!!
thanks for all you do...I know your requests are backed up but do you have Head East's Flat as a pancake or their greatlive album? Any boots on the other blog would be welcomed too. thanks again,
Thx a lot mate...;-)
Yes I do have the Head East. It's a CD so I can do that a bit quicker. Probably next update.
JR-I got more comin' stay tuned!
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