Monday, January 29, 2007
All the rest are at the other place.......
There is plenty to keep you busy over there, but as promised and delayed twice now, I will get to work on the requests.
It may be tomorrow or Wednesday until I get them up, downloading all this cool stuff has taken some time. But todays stuff include most if not all of the Babys LPs, most if not all of the Santers LPs, lotsa NWOBHM, and more more more.
I am also trying to figure out a way to post some items I need to sale, but I haven't come up with a way yet. I just want to sell them cheap because I am going to be moving soon (next month or two) and due to my back problems I no longer want to lug all this stuff around, and also I don't want to deal with ebay, gemm or musicstack. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do? If you do by all means email me or leave a comment. I will need to use the paypal payment system (God help me) to do it (it's my mother's account--same one the donations are going to) so any help would be most appreciated.
I have to work the next 4 days so although I will be checking in and getting the requests done. My posts will be thin until the weekend.
And although I did so over at the other blog and several times in emails, I again thank Tor-Erik for going above and beyond with the amazing array of tuneage he has sent my (and your) way.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Ready for more?
But first, if you have time do a friend of the blog a favor, and go to the Rockdoctor's blog
and see if you can't tell us what the name of this song is. It's been driving a friend crazy for years. It sounds really familiar but no one so far can place it.
And away we go (and STILL more to come!!):

And here is a really good one, Trevor Rabin's Wolf LP from the early 80's. He was a member of Yes for a while and is a brilliant guitarist.

And here's another great AOR record. This is the self titled LP from Treasure.

The first of two LPs from Balance. Great stuff . Proggy rock that is worth checking out. Members included Peppy Castro from the Blues Magoos and Bob Kulick from any number of bands mainly Kiss briefly (as was his brother Bruce for a number of years) and Alice Cooper's band.
And two from Widowmaker (UK). Highly recommended stuff from these guys.
Widowmaker (UK) - Widowmaker

Too Late To Cry
And last for now, but not least, two very good albums from late 70's band Trillion. Their self titled debut and the 2nd and I think final LP Clear Approach. I've had both of these in the past and can say they are both excellent. The 2nd is my fave of the two. Sorry could not find covers for these!
Trillion - 1st.
Trillion - Clear Approach
And I want to thank everyone for clicking those ads over at the other blog. As always the family and I appreciate it very much. And within the next half hour or so you will find a bunch of April Wine, Dan Reed and much much more there. And up next (tomorrow) even more from Tor-Erik, and I will attempt to get those requests taken care of as much as is possible.
Friday, January 26, 2007
More stuff from Tor Erik

Shouting and Pointing
Drive On--
Here's a few more that don't have covers (but there are more with covers to come later):
Desmond Child & Rouge - 1st. 1978.
I have a big problem with this guy. He ruined many great bands with his sappy cliched songs, Aerosmith for one, but this album was an early attempt at stardom on his own. It shows a lot of the reasons he failed, but also brings back memories as he made early videos for some of these songs that were shown on Midnight Special and Don Kirshner's Rock Concert and those songs are like visits to time long gone that I wish would return. Some folks say he is an AOR god. I beg to differ.
Toronto - Girls Night Out
Toronto and Holly Woods - Assault and Flattery
Canadian hard rock with a pop bend to it. Had a very minor rock radio hit with "Your Dady Don't Know" in the early 80's. If you like Spider (the South African transplanted to US band, not the UK NWOBHM band) or Pat Benetar's harder stuff, try this. If Lee Aaron's more your cup--check the Live and Otherwise blog later. Assault & Flattery Girls Night Out
Pandora's Box - The Original Sin (Jim Steinman).
Great early AOR from the Meat Loaf / Bonnie Tyler (oh God!!!!!) collaborator.
King's X - Acoustic Groove - Live Westwood One 1991
A highly underated band, and one that has never released a bad album, but has never gotten much recognition for all of the good ones. The one that did attract a bit of attention for the band, Faith Hope and Love (1990) was the least satisfying of all as they briefly adapted a Lenny Kravitz style and all but forgot their smoking hard rock/metal and boogie-funk fests. They retified that on the albums that followed and were rewarded with an undeserved return to obscurity to all but those of us who knew. The guitarist, Ty Tabor has released several good solo LPs and Doug Pinnick, bassist and vocalist, has guested with several groups in the studio and on tours. Those in the know about these guys rave on endlessly (like myself!!). Here's a short set from the acoustic groove radio show released during their brief stint of radio popularity in early '91.
More to come including damn near the whole Micael Des Barres catalog, including Silverhead, Detective; Several Blackfoot albums; every album released by the Babys and much more.
And I will begin working on all those requests as early as tomorrow (but probably Sunday).
A 'megaupload" from a new Viking friend!!!

This is one I had posted a long time ago and is a great live show from the Godz. This is the late 70's Godz not the ESP avant garde psych band from the 60's. As I said with my upload, this has the majority of the self titled album (posted below) but the live feel of the songs is looser and in a way more satisfying than the studio versions.

Here as mentioned above is the self titled 1978 LP by the Godz, just good ol midwestern hard rock.
Believe me this is just the beginning of a bunch of stuff. The tip of the iceberg so to speak. So check back often both here and the other blog and you will be pleasantly surprised at some of the great albums that will be popping up.
And click those ads over at live and otherwise dammit, I'm friggin' broke!!! I don't get paid for three more weeks---ouch!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Well it's about time huh??????

Found this gif to the left on a site, and decided to put it up here. The pic of the guy playing the flute is the cover I'm familiar with. There are other cover pics in the rars for both LPs. 1st Time Is

And for some heavier fare, here is one of my favorite early Scorpions LP, with the stratocaster master Uli Jon Roth. He is a definite disciple of Hendrix and if you like 70s hard rock give this a shot, this is nothing like the Scorpions of the 80's. The slower songs even give off an air of progressive rock at times and the heavy ones, although they sound slightly dated now due to Roth's Hendrixisms (I'm filing for a copyright on that word) are truly original in execution. I figure Scorpions were kind of on their own plane at this time, not really having a lot of blueprints to follow. At first listen some of these songs may sound a bit out of tune but they really grow on you with repeated listening and they develop quite well.

And yeah, I know I said I was going to start putting stuff like this over at the other blog, it just seemed to fit better here. This is most popular album from the Ozark Mountain Daredevils from 1974, It'll Shine When It Shines. It contains both their most well known song "Jackie Blue" which was a hit in early '75 and my personal favorite E.E. Lawson which upon first listen, seems like a novelty song due to the wannabe Jim Dandy style vocal delivery, but stands up to repeated lsitenings well. The album shows the two facets of the band well, their rocking soulful side which earned them most of their popularity, and their stone (or stoned)
country side which I felt was more honest, at least they sound more comfortable with it. Good stuff by request from long ago.
Back with more soon. And if you have requests I still haven't gotten to yet, please either leave me a comment or email me again, my son accidentally deleted my list. And new ones are welcome too!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Happy birthday to me...........................

Here's the fairly obscure LP by White Witch's frontman, Ron Goedert called Breaking All the Rules. Pretty good stuff but a bit different that the stuff he did with the Witch. Of course the times had changed from the early 70's, production values had improved drastically so quite possibly this could be what an updated version of WW would sound like, who knows. But by all means if you liked the White Witch stuff this a least deserves a listen .

And from the request line from a while back here's Q65's great psych LP from 1968 entitled Afghanistan. This is the reissue with bonus tracks. They call this Nederbeat I hear. In any case, good Dutch psych.

And finally for tonight, Terry Reid's 1973 LP River. David Lindley (Kaliedoscope US, Jackson Browne & solo) adds some great instrumentation to this album on 5 of the 7 tracks, but my favorites on this one are the two more introspective cuts with Reid and his guitar that close the album.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
A repost and a favorite
Now walk, don't run over to and grab a great slab of MC5 demos and a Peel sessions from 1974 featuring Brian Eno and the Winkies.And give those ads a click or two.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Another request and the lowdown on the "other blog"

Good stuff from the 'van!!
Covers and info in the rar too!
As is getting to be normal practice, I forgot the last track in the rar. Don't be mad at me, just grab it below.
And now, before the last post of NWOBHM (keep reading) you'll ever see here, a tiny anouncement
as to some big changes over at the live and otherwise. My witty quip has been I knew I stuck that otherwise there for a reason, and it just took awaile to find the reason.
I have decided to use as a more varied blog to cover styles other than the prog and psych which I intend to keep serving up here. As a result any live psych and prog will now be found here and any other genres of live will still be at the live and otherwise blog, along with all metal, NWOBHM and otherwise and anything I feel like putting over there. And Bigfoot Kit has graciously accepted an invitation to become a co-admin over there and all future NWOBHM and everything else (including more live stuff as it gets ripped) will be there.
And now I give you "the final TIme Traveller NWOBHM post" from Bigfoot Kit.
ALVERNA GUNN Demo (1982) (3 Tracks) NWOBHM @ 224kbps
HANDSOME BEASTS - BBC Session (1981) (4 Tracks) NWOBHM @ 192kbps
Various : Undressed - An Unmasked Tribute To KISS (2003) @ 192kbps
From now on there will be plenty of these over at the Live and Otherwise blog so please check it out there!!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Some good prog and blues for your Monday cruise

The Illusion's third LP from 1970, If It's So. By request of course.

And by coincidence, here is the 3rd If LP, also from 1970. Love that cover, music ain't bad either.

And this isn't by request, but it's a favorite of mine, and probably could become a favorite of yours too if you give it a chance. It's Beyond Expression by the group Finch. This Finch is Dutch, I also know of a Finch from Aussieland and another from the UK. These gentlemen deliver some excellent instrumentals (not a word on this one!!) that will dazzle and amaze you. Twists and turns abound and just when you think you know where they are going, they hit you with a change up and go in a different direction. Side one of this 197g LP is taken up by one track, and it's 20 minutes long and still never ceases to amaze me. Especially the guitarist, Joop. He sounds kind of like an Akkerman discipile and he can absolutely tear it up when given a chance to strech out as he is in this song. Really when you think about not too many guys were playing mind baffling runs like these in year of '76. Not that the rest of the band are slouches on their respective instruments but he is a highlight for me. At times this is gonna remind you of that Yes/Gentle Giant style of prog, but they never settle into one mold for very long and constantly pull an original move out of it. Give this a shot, disappointment will not be a result.

And here's that blues LP I mentioned above. I got 2 or 3 requests for these guys, two for this one specifically (I'll try to dig out more when time arises). This is about as real as the blues gets, no psych excusions like the Groundhogs or even the Mac, no boogie and hard rock stuff like Savoy Brown. These guys play it straight and play it well, and Rod Piazza wanted it that way. Recommended for the blues harp that would make both Paul Butterfield and Magic Dick, two fine players themselves take notice at one time or another, I think this is some of the blues harp playing available. If you got the blues, Grease this up and play it loud.
And for those of you who prefer something a bit heavier to curtail those Monday morning doldrums. Here's another slew of brillaint obscure NWOBHM for you all from Kit. I turn it over to him.
Le Griff - Fast Bikes EP 1983
If you like this , i've also got their "You're Killing Me" EP and "Breaking Strain" LP, if you're interested!
OXYM - Music Power 7" (1980)
Don't know much about Oxym, except that they were lumped in (rightly ot wrongly) with the occult flavoured NWOBHM bands like Witchfynde, Demon etc.
RAGE - Bootliggers 7" (1981)
Rage were comprised of former members of the band NUTZ, remember them? They were pretty good too. Love this song, it was featured on "Metal For Muthas" when they were still going by the NUTZ monicker, but this is a totally different version.
BLEAK HOUSE - Lions In Winter EP (1982)
The 2nd and final ep from the mighty mighty Bleak House, you'll love this, great songs, great playing, the whole package, they should have been huge!
AGONY BAG - Rabies Is A Killer 7" (1979)
An odd one this, ex-Black Widow members form shock rock act just in time to get lumped in with the NWOBHM! Bizarre!!!
Thanks Kit and see you all soon. Or maybe I should say you'll all see me soon. If you dig any of this stuff and feel like it go over to other my blog and give a click on those ads at the top. Still could use it and and watch for an update of some sort really soon over there. It may surprise you.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
The first post for 2007!!
I have been getting so many requests (and that's not a complaint, keep 'em coming) and so many good people have been sending me files I am losing track of it all. But I figure soon things will slow down and I'll get caught up. So today is all requests except for some real cool NWOBHM (I gotta come up with an abbrieviation for that abbrieviation!!) from Bigfoot Kit (and he assures me there is more to come!!)

Sometimes the requests are filled quick, as this one here. The Appletree Theatre's LP Playback. This is a fun trip (literally) that has a bit of the exploito quality, but the songs are a bit on the bubblegum side. But don't let that deter you because there is plenty fuzzed out guitar and far out weirdness to keep it from getting too Fruitgummy. This is a Verve/Forecast release not a Buddah. So you can be assured it rises above the sugar pop the latter was (in)famous for.
Cool poop and definetly worth a lobe knock as Lord Buckley might say.
Here's a great Alex Harvey LP. I would say it's sensational but he wouldn't call his band that until a bit later. I believe this is from '69 and if I'm wrong correct me nicely!!!
Sometimes the requests take a little longer to fill as this from way back in fall of last year, but I had a hell of a time finding it, in fact, it was by accident that I found it at all. It was unlisted on an old disc of programs I had, as I was trying to reload some printer drivers and it happened to be there. I did check this one but I suspect it was downloaded from P2P so if there are any errors I missed (I listened while running around the house doing other stuff) I apologise. But I don't think I did miss anything. So without any further mouthus-runamuckus, here is a fantastic piece of psychedelia called the Human Zoo.
And here are some more great metal EPs from Kit, the Starfighters probably being the most well-known. If you like Bon Scott era AC/DC (because one of the lesser known Young relatives is in this band) it is highly recommended. I am going to dig out the full 1st LP asap and get it posted but I believe this has non-LP stuff so grab it too. The other two are of the obscure variety. As always, thanks Kit!!
SOLDIER - Sheralee 7'' (1982)
STARFIGHTERS - Alley Cat Blues EP (1981)
ZORRO - 'arrods Don't Sell 'em EP (1979)
See ya soon!!!