By request, here's the last Paul Revere and the Raiders LP to have any hint of garage rock to it. After this they sort of lost direction until they came back as the Raiders with the huge hit from '71 Indian Reservation. But the story on this album's title is that FM radio didn't want to know these guys toward the end of the 60's and in order to score some airplay they sent out the Let Me single under an alias. And that alias was Pink Puzz. Don't know if it helped their cause but it does paint an interesting picture of rock radio. This one is the Sundazed reissue with a few interesting bonus cuts.

And here's the final album from Linn County. After the brillance of the 1st and the decent follow-up this is a bit of a disappointment. It's a change of direction and a bit on the country rock side, but it's interesting to give a listen to.

Back in my metalhead days this was the first Gillan LP I ever bought. I got it used for a buck and at the time I thought I had it figured out why it was so cheap. Let's just say it saw very little airtime in my bedroom where Metallica and Slayer were the platters of choice. About 6 or 7 years ago I found the CD of this album and bought it to see if my teenage assessment and dismissal were in need of reprisal and to my surprise it became a favorite in my 30-something listening room and as I grabbed more and more Gillan goodies, decided this was my favorite. It's by no means a desert island disc or anything, but it's a very good hard rockin' LP!!

My entry for today is a kind of bastard child to most of the stuff that has been posted, but it still qualifies. The charmingly named Split Beaver released their one and only album on the UK Heavy Metal label (also home to Witchfinder General) to little or no fanfare, and all the major metal rags at the time gave it horrid ratings at best. It has more in common with bands like Tygers of Pan Tang or even late 70's Status Quo than with the Venoms, Leppards, and Diamond Heads usually associated with NWOBHM. But still, time has been good to this one and it gets much better reviews these days and is a worthy addition to any collection.
And from Dirt, who has been MIA for awhile--here's one of the NWOBHM's best Savage with 1983's Loose N Lethal. This one smokes!!!
Thanks Dirt!!!
And Bigfoot Kit sent me two. One being Quartz - Stand Up and Fight LP which was a personal request from myself (another smoking ass LP)
and Rex's 2nd LP, the prophetically titled Where Do We Go From Here (which Kit informed me was into the toliet as a third album they recorded was refused by their label for being too heavy and then dropped the band--good ol Columbia records!!). Not really metal but since I posted the 1st one here many moons ago, I thought the second should be here too. And it's very good, but not as wild as the first one.
QUARTZ - Stand Up & Fight (1980)
1. Stand Up & Fight
2. Can’t Say No To You
3. Stoking Up The Fires Of Hell
4. Questions
5. Charlie Snow
6. Revenge
7. Rock N’ Roll Child
8. Wildfire
9. Circles (Bonus Track)
Columbia 82186
1. Where Do We Go From Here?
2. Do Me
3. Burn Your Bridges
4. 7 Come 11
5. You're Never Too Old To Rock n' Roll
6. Chains On My Heart
7. Don't Want Love
8. Stealing The Night Away
9. Running Wild
no pw
You gotta be kiddin'! Splitbeaver!! I have the record, I actually quite like it now. Not when it was released, it was too much rock'n'roll in comparison with a lot of other NWOBHM, but through the years, I began to appreciate it more and more! So, very nice to see it here, certainly with that fantastic cover in all it's glory, haha!
Grtz, Danny
Thanks for the Paul Revere and the Raiders album.I was looking for it for quite some time,but couldn't locate it.
another time, the nwobhm material is great, Splitbeaver sounds very good, many groups of now have to learn of bands like this.
Thanks for the two Gillan albums! Much better than the Ian Gillan band material.
Thanks for Rex...
Been a long time looking for this one...Had the first Rex album ages and all his brother's stuff - Starz and Hellcats - that first record REX is classic... Can't wait to give this one a listen?
Thanks for the Paul Revere & the Raiders!! I have some of their albums but not this one.
Just Me
Grazie, Merci, Danke ... or as the man himself says "I THAAAAAAANK YOU!!!" for the Gillan stuff. Can't agree with comments about Ian Gillan Band albums though ... Clear Air Turbulence is def up there with the best DP solo stuff, including Rainbow Rising.
Thank you so much for the Hookfoot lps, particularly the first which I've had since I was 14 and holds many fond memories.I'm listening to it now as I write and it still sounds like classic, gutsy songwritng and playing from musicians who really spark off from one another. Great sound too - your rip is fantastic and really brings out the funky production. At first I couldn't get Depositfiles, but now it seems fine. And the Linn County material is great too! (Do you by any chance have Steve Miller's - not the famous ST of course - lp he did with the same guys?)
Can you put:
Hiro Yanagida - "Same", "Milk time"
"Hiro cosmos",
TAMAM SHUD- Evolution, Goolutionites And The Real People(1969-70),
Little Free Rock (1969).
I searched in all blogs and there were no results :-(
Piotr from Poland
Thanks a lot
I don't know any but the Little Free Rock, and I think Chris over at ChrisGoes.blogspot.com had that posted in the past. You should drop him a line and see if he will repost it (or check his blog, the search function for these blogs is not real good).
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