When I posted the 1st Coven album I had a bunch of people ask if I had the other two. I didn't at the time but now I do and here's the 3rd and final, Blood on the Snow from 1974. Good stuff!!!

I got a couple emails for more Canterbury stuff so here's one from the band that is probably the dictionary definition of the Canterbury sound, Soft Machine with their jazzy prog 4th album imaginatively titled 4. Luckily the music is much more imaginative.

And staying with the NWOBHM theme here is the Loser EP from Angel Witch, their first output, I believe. I think this has bonus tracks on here. I'm not sure, I got this from P2P a long time ago and I never really checked it out.
Enjoy, back soon with another Hookfoot, and some more psych & prog gems.
Oh great guru of tunes, I got the Coven - Witchcraft album and now I am getting the Blood On The Snow album. Your post seems to indicate the you posted their second album "Coven" but I don't see it.
Thanks very much for these 2 albums. They are not found easily I can tell you for sure. You have lots of really rare albums.
Thank YOU!!
Just Me
Sorry I misled, I can see how my wording could have made it seem I had both of the others, but I only have the Blood on the Snow at this time (and of course the Witchcraft already posted). As requests as I got for the album I call One Tin Soldier (their 2nd) when & if I get ahold of another copy, I will get it up here.
Good luck finding the other one. In the possible but not likely event that I happen to find that one before you do, I will send you a copy.
Just Me
Another Hookfoot?? Might it be the debut LP? Sure hope so! I'll be anxiously awaiting your post.
Thanx for the Coven album TT, another one i thought i'd never find !
Great post again! I have the Angel Witch 7" en 1st (reissue) en 3rd (original) Coven. I'm still missing the second Coven ...
Grtz, Danny
i really enjoy the coven album, but i didn't get a chance to get the first one before it was deleted...if you have the chance someday might you re-upload it? thanks times a billion for the awesome music.
Oh God! I've been looking everywhere for this coven album.
But I cant download from depositfiles.com can someone upload to rapidshare please?!!!
I have tried d/ling soft machine 4 twice and each time it is vastly incomplete. could you check this out and repost?
This album (Angel Witch's) is much better than the one by White Spirit in my opinion. You'd better check it out. Thanks
Many thanks for all the coven stuff! Great finds!
All your Coven links are still good.
I got these albums from you back in November but the hard drive crashed. I was the first one to post a comment in this post. I will back the albums up this time. lol
Thanks AGAIN! :)
Just Me
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