On the personal front, things may soon take a turn for the better, I may have a job in the works. Nothing to great, but let's just say my blogger name may change to Zoot Allures, because I may "Wind Up Working In A Gas Station" for about half of what I made before. But it's better than being broke. Still any denations and/or clicks on those ads are a big help, and I won't know for sure until mid-January unless something else pops up before then.
So without anymore delay--my new years resolutions for 2007.
1. To stop trying to "culture" my friends by playing obscure Finnish prog in the middle of parties.
2. To stop mailing back postage paid Business Reply Mail envelopes empty just to piss the senders off.
3. To stop sending nasty letters to rap artists anonymously telling them how little talent they have.
4. To start sending nasty letters to new punk bands anonymously telling them how little talent they have and that they deserve to get a swift rectum jolt from Paul Simeon's jackboot.
5. To not run outside at 3 am in various states of (un)dress to see if when I yell "Belsen was a gasser" at the top of my lungs it will echo like it does on the album.
6. To stop eating pop tarts without toasting them. They are so much better warm.
7. To stop using curse words so fucking much.
8. To stop blaming global corporations for all the ailments of the world and to find who the hell is responsible for the other .005 percent.
9. To stop saying "How can it get any worse?" because everytime I do I get shown.
10. To try to become a better person than I can ever be, set goals that are unattainable and then beat myself up over the fact I can't do anything I set out to do.
11. To reach out and touch somebody's hand and make this world a better place, if I can (although I doubt touching a hand is gonna do a goddamn thing).
12. To try and actually listen to all of this great music I've been downloading.
And now my Top Ten Most Wanted For 2007 so far in alphabetical order:
1.the Blades of Grass - Blades of Grass are Not For Smoking (1967 Jubilee)
2.Fish Eyed Lens - same (90 Rockedelic)
3.Foul Dogs - No. 1 (66 Rhythm Sound)
4.Left End - same (10" private pressed 4 song EP, not Spoiled Rotten)
5.Joint Effort - Cannabis (72 Amphion Seashorse)
6.Milkwood - How's the Weather? (pre Cars Ben Orr and Ric Ocasek) (73 Paramount)
7.Nazca Line - Outer Space Connection
8.Peace & Quiet - same (70 Kinetic)
9.Porcelain Bearmeat - Free Love Free Sex Free Music (71 Dill Pickle)
10.1619 Bad Ass Band - same (2 different Lps with this name, both may be the same)
If anyone can help with these PLEASE, get in touch!!!
And now for the music, first a bunch of stuff from me, then a bunch of Kiss tribute albums from Bigfoot Kit.


And here's one I've had a bunch people ask for and I finally got ahold of it. From 1974 it's Hustler's High Street LP. Nice hard rock. I have the 2nd LP posted here but I don't know if it's still a working link. If not and somebody needs it, let me know and I'll dig it up and repost it.



Also by request, Tysondog's Beware of the Dog from 1984. More cool NWOBHM and as an added bonus the second link is their Shoot To Kill 4 Song EP.
the EP:

And yet another request this is the '77 EP Roy Loney, one of the founding members of Flamin' Groovies. If you like them, chances are you'll like this!

Sorry for this picture, I got it off of Lynn Carey's website, and it's about the only picture I could find of her & Neil Merryweather's 1971 LP Vacuum Cleaner. This is really great stuff, and if you wanna see more interesting stuff from Neil and Lynn, check out the cover of their next project, Mama Lion, which has Lynn doing something with a lion cub on the controversial front cover. But musically this is sooo much better than that.
Well hope you liked my part of the last update of the year. And now for Bigfoot Kit's . He has uploaded several Kiss tributes for all to enjoy. Thanks BFk.
KAOL (Kiss Army OnLine): A WORLD WITHOUT HEROES - Various Artists (2000)
COVERED WITH KISSES - An Evansville Tribute To Kiss (2004)
KISS DEUTSCHLAND - A Tribute To Kiss (1999)
Gods of Thunder - A Norweigian Tribute To Kiss
pt1 http://rapidshare.com/files/9457252/VA_-_Gods_of_Thunder_-2005-_A_Norwegian_Tribute_to_KISS_Pt1.rar
pt2 http://rapidshare.com/files/9466848/VA_-_Gods_of_Thunder_-2005-_A_Norwegian_Tribute_to_KISS_Pt2.rar
GRITALO FUERTE - An Argentinian Tribute To KISS
Art included where i could & txt files in all.
Thanks Kit, thanks everyone else, happy new year to all and almost forgot, there is an update over at the liveandtoherwise too. I'm on fire ba-beee.
Click on over and check it out, there is a new contributor helping out and he sent some nice stuff!!!