Also, lastly, I have decided to sell quite a few of my CDs tapes and records. If anyone would be interested drop me an email and I will send you a list of some cool stuff for cheap!
Thanks for reading and now on to the music (and there is a bunch today)!!!!

Didn't do much research on this one but it's good hard rock. Recorded circa '71 and released on Rockadelic in '94 (and that already sells for some bucks). Killer hard rock from Stone Garden by request.

Another cool hard rock LP from the Juan de la Cruz band.A heavy Filpino band this one is their second and according to their site the title translates to Our Music. This one was one of my favorites of theirs (all are worth a listen).
And for Aveek and anyone else who had a problem with track 5 here it is:

Requested in the comments and I just happened to have it handy. This the the self titled LP from Hardwater, from 1968. In a layed back West Coast style and produced by this dude some of you may have heard of named David Axelrod the band featured ex-members of the Astronauts (the surf band!@!!) but sounds nothing like them. Nice psych from this midwestern band.

And yet another request. Someone asked for some more Budgie(is this turning into a hard rock blog or what?!?!?). From 1974 here's the In For the Kill LP it has the original version of Crash Course in Brain Surgery (covered by that Metallica crew) and the title track smokes. Some lighter fare slows this one down bit (literally and figurativly) but still a good one and the rockin' stuff smokes.

And another that got more than a couple votes on my impromptu poll the other day. Here's Cubby Coda and the Brownsville Station with Yeah! from I believe '73. This one is a mixed bag going from hard rockers to R&B flavored stompers (B.S> were never really mellow) Saw these guys way past their hitmaking days in a small bar playing for about 30 people and they put on a show like they were headlining Madison Square Garden for 30,000. Cub was rock N Roll. Cub lived it and loved it, wrote about it, ate it drank it and smoked it.
We need more guys like the Cubmaster.He's probably doing a solo on top of the pearly gates as I write this.

Well, looks like we've got the back cover too.

And by popular demand the NWOBHM continues. This one I leave to the jury (you guys). It's Thunderstick's debut EP Feel Like Rock N Roll from '83. Thunderstick was in the Bruce Bruce version of Samson as well as an early incarnation of Iron Maidenbut this is abit lighter fare than most NWOBHM. For one thing the singer is female (which if you've ever heard Holy Moses doesn't necessarily mean a thing) but this is more hard rock than outright metal. But the songs are well crafted, the guitars are cranked up and it really does rock. I had this when it first came out and who knows where it ended up, but I inquired with Kit to see if he may have it, he didn't (he did some send some great goodies though see below!!)but hooked me up with some info, which I used to check with some folks I trade with and one of them came through! Memories, like the pages of my mind........
My cover disappeared but here is the Terry Knight and the Pack LP with Don & Mark from Grand Funk. Detroit soul rock from '66!!
And now from Bigfoot Kit here are some more goodies including the Billion $ Babies set!!!
Billion Dollar Babies "Complete Battle Axe"
CD1 (Original Album)
CD2 (Original Demos)
CD3 (1stLive Show - Flint Michigan 1977)
CRACK THE SKY - The End (1983)
JOHN PALUMBO - Blowing Up Detroit (1984)
Thanks again Kit, I appreciate it!!!
And thanks to all who have been hangin' out and helpin' out over the course of the last 10 months (give or take a few days). Couldn't have done it without ya!! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that stuff. I'll be back soon with many more goodies.
Sorry about all the strange writting errors in a couple of the album descriptions (mainly Juan de la Cruz). Blogger was not acting stable and I was typing like a madman to get done so I wouldn't lose the post!!!
hello time traveller; great blog with very good music; i have 2 requests: Bacon Fat "tough dude" and Bell+Arc
Thanx from France
Hi , many thanx for terry and ...
have a nice x-mas
Hi , many thanx for terry and ...
have a nice x-mas
Killer Post, Bryon! Thanksa ton for Stone Garden, Juan De La Cruz & Terry Knight. Btw, the 5th track from Juan De La Cruz album (05 rock & roll sa ulan) seems to be corrupt & can't be extracted from the .rar's showing an error message. Could you please upload this track separately?
Keep up the good work.
Haven't heard Brownsville in quite a while thanks.
Hi Aveek, I'll take a look at it. It played fine before I rared it so maybe a glitch happened. If anyone else had that happen let me know just as an FYI to me.
Quality post as per. Will throw some loose change in your hat at some point.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks Bobbins, I really do appreciate it!
And thanks to everyone who is going over and clicking the ads too. Every little bit helps.
I go back to the doctors on Wednesday and when they find out what happened maybe (I doubt it, but maybe) they'll try a little harder.
And Aveek and anyone else having trouble with track 5 from the Juan de la Cruz. I am uploading it now and will post the link to it underneath the original link where the album is on the post.
TT/BFK,Have a Merry Christmas and thanks for the Brownsville & Billion Dollar posts. \m/
Kit,did you ever get that Live Sky working?
I am so amazed to see you sharing JUAN DELA CRUZ!@!!! i am from the Philippines and these guys are still playing out there and really rockin out a loooot more than so many babies nowadays.
I don't see them playing as a band anymore, more like members doin their own thing, but I really admire the passion- even in small-time bars they're playing like its their last concert ever.
m e r r y c h r i s t m a s
to you and it's wonderfuL to disc0ver your bLog!!!!
First off: Merry Christmas and hope you have a Happy New Year TT!!! It really sucks when you have to sell your treasures. I really hope your situation turns out for the better!!! I too would like to thank you for the -Brownsville Station,also,the BB Battle Axe was SWEET!!!
Merry Xmas everyone!
To Ogmonster, no, i never did figger out how to turn aif files into mp3 or wav as i would love to burn the Live" Sky" album to disc.
It's such a good record, and i'm not generally a big fan of live albums.
I usually use Xilisoft Audio convertor for changing music file formats, but this has x-Audio stumped.
Any suggestions?
Hi Kit,
I got them converted with db power amp. You have to download a special codec for it but once I did I converted them (although at 320k)then went back to wav. They sounded just the same to me (but 27 years of my ear pressed against a wall of marshall's may make a difference).
Merry Christmas all!!!
I'll probably be back with a wild update tomorrow. Got some requests for some fairly obscure stuff comin'!
I converted to mp3. Hope this is better.
Crack The Sky - Live Sky
01 Hold On.mp3
02 Maybe I Can Fool Everybody.mp3
03 Lighten Up McCraw.mp3
04 She's A Dancer.mp3
05 Ice.mp3
06 Surf City.mp3
07 I Am The Walrus.mp3
thanks for the nwobhm stuff. The Brownsville station album is great, is possible to post somethin' m0re of this band?
Thanks for the 5th track of Juan de la Cruz!
Ogmonster, many many thanks!
Above & beyond the call of duty, and very much appreciated.
Enough with Depositfiles!!
I can't get to download Thunderstick.
With a download manager I got "server error", without a download manager I got "unexpected end of archives".
I tried 10 times or more.
In additon to that, the other day and today a "nice" message tells me that "we are sorry, but all downloading slots for your country are busy"
Try instead Badongo, Mediafire, Bestsharing, Bigupload, Easy-Sharing, Egoshare,, Savefile, Zshare, Zupload, Filefactory, Fileforge, Gigeshare, Gigashare, Oron, Storeandserve, Megaupload, Rogepost, Sendspace,,, there are hundreds of alternative out there.
Thanks for the music.
Yep hundreds of em. And about 3 are worth a shit. Look, I know help deposit files has problems. But, when I used rapidshare I got comments and emails to stop using them (not as many, but you'd be surprised). I've tried a bunch of hosts, many you've mentioned, and I get a)broken downloads, b) deleted files c) hours of downtime d) 2000 hours of upload time and/or any combination of the 4.
I am sorry that deposit files doesn't work for you, but for right now it's the best going for me. Maybe some kind soul here would re-up the Thunderstick to another service for you. Any voluenteers?
If no one else will do it, comment on my new post coming tonight or tomorrow and this one time I'll up it to any host you want (except rapidshare).
And yeah I know I spelled volunteers wrong :-)
many thanks for the Hardwayer record. I am consatntly amazed by blog land!!
-Josh Norton
Thanx for the albums
Been after the Billion Dollar babies stuff for years.
Saw the Thunderstick album, used to see Samson years ago, usually on a package with REAL bands like Urchin, Iron Maiden or Angel Witch. Never really liked them, I remember the 1st time Dickenson sang with them at the Music Machine in Camden... "we wanted someone who could really sing & wasn't just a poseur, and here's Bruce Bruce" . At one point, he climbed to the top of the speaker stacks looked at the audience .."I'm not gonna jump".... everyones there shouting "jump, you useless f****r, break your neck. Thunderstick had been crawling round the bar in the pub next door with fake blood coming from his mouth, usual comments were "f*****f you t****r. Paul Samson then ensured his entry into the "Rock Hall of W*****s" by smashing up a cheap copy guitar, throwing it into the audience, then sending a roadie to retrieve it.
Happy days
The Brecknock
The Bandwagon
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