
And more NWOBHM, this time an EP from Badger called Over the Wall.

And from Cor we get Neil's Boxset Rock N Roll Cowboy. Thanks Cor!
4 CD Box Set Rock & Roll Cowboy from Neil Young in
Password: R&R_Cowboy
And more from Dirt!
Vinyl rip...the CD re-issue adds a non-LP b-side
(good) but has a different track order.
Thanks Dirt!!!!
Bigfoot Kit has posted the Strapps album over at Dr Jimmy's. Requested it here yonks ago so hopefully it will appear here soon! Good stuff as usual Mr Traveller. Bobbins.
thanks for the good nwobhm stuff.
Thanks so much for the
city Boy Album. Any chance you'll be posting any of their other stuff
I think I have another City Boy posted somewhere. Check the archives I may be wrong.
Bobbins--How's it goin? Yeah BFK sent me the links but I didn't get the email until after I made last night's post. I will get them up on the next, either late tonight or sometime tomorrow.
Little Late I Know ,but That Jo JO Gunne Is Sweet . Do you have anything from LEE Michaels .Thanks
Thanks for Pot Liquor..Been wanted to hear this lp for ever..One thing if the first song called Cheer is right ..it isn't the hit they had called Cheer...Is the correct song?
Here is the 45 version of Potliquor "Cheer" and a picture of the lp side one i found of of Levee Blues..As You can see it is 4:52 and the 45 is only
3:37..But you can listen to the song at least.
Link Is
I'm not tring to cause any trouble , just leting you know is all/That that song is not Cheer.
I love this Blog and look forward to seeing and hearing all the great posts.
Ty so much
I may have screwed something up. I was kind of pressed for time. I'll check into it. Thanks for letting me know.
Oh and Lee Michaels 5th should be posted somewhere here, I also have Space & First Takes and possibly Carnival of Life and Live (I had them at one time, I'll have to recheck).
Okay, it took a couple minutes but here is the scoop. That first track is New Orleans Ladies by LeRoux. It was for Skypilot by request and somehow I screwed it up and retitled it wrong. So I will rerip Cheer and add it to a new entry tonight. Sorry all.
Hello Time Traveller
First let me thank you for all the good and rare stuff you put here.
I saw the link to DETROIT with MITCH RYDER vinyl rip here and curiously i have posted the CD rip version of this on my little blog (Rock no Sótão) a couple weeks ago so i thought ppl here could be interested.
Its only 128K but has 2 extra songs and the quality is good, apart from this being a very good record.
Oops i just remembered my blog is in portuguese and may not be easy to find the link so here it goes:
pass: Long Neck Goose
I can't download any albums in depositfiles. Your blog is GREAT, but, unfortunately I can't.
I may be wrong, but I believe City Boy were an English group - from somewhere in the Midlands (Birmingham?) Anyway that seems a churlish comment as I've been after this for ages as my vinyl copy is almost beyond use!!
Thanks for one of the most consistently enjoyable and rewarding sites online :o)
Hi Time Traveller- City Boy is from England, not Canada. But thanks for uploading this! I have their albums on vinyl but you can't bring vinyl to work with you... Also, it was your upload months ago of "Young Men Gone West" that turned me on to City Boy originally, so much thanks for that.
Hi Time Traveller,
I still can't use Deposit Files.... I live in Australia if that makes any difference.... can't get a page past the first download prompt. Any ideas much appreciated ???
Cheers !!
Yes, City Boy is from Birmingham. The blogger does say from the start he's just a big bored goofball.
Ouch that's cold blooded there anon!!! But true most of the time. I actually did know that they weren't Canadian(yeah right, I'm sure many are groaning) but my copy of the album was purchased in Canada (as was the other) and the way blogger is acting for me the past few posts (very erractic) I often type as quick as I am thinking. The band even has a song that mentions it I believe.
Great Blog! Crack the Sky, Strapps, City Boy and all that NWOBHM stuff etc etc. Just great. It's like you are posting my high school record collection. Lots of cool stuff I havent heard too.
BTW Mechanix was the second post Schenker album by UFO. The first was "No Place to Run", which I think is much better.
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