Nice pic eh? Not much out there for this album. In my opinion this is a psych masterpiece and is in heavy rotation on my turntable (when said tt is available!). This is Eyes of Blue's 1968 Mercury album Crossroads of Time. It's a tight sophisticated LP that in many places is quite advanced for the time. One of the few Beatle covers I can stand (Yesterday) and a punky version of 7+7 Is...., but my favorite is World of Emotion, which just puts a smile on my face whenever I hear it. Not far behind is Love Is the Law, but the whole album is highly listenable without the usual novelties and throwaway tracks psych LPs are often known for. Brillant!!!!
The Austrailian band Master's Apprentices 1st LP from 1967 is a freakbeat classic. It actually transcends freakbeat at times with some early psych and is quite an interesting album. My faves are the 2 punked out rave-ups that would make Jeff Beck (or more similarly Dave Davies) proud, these tracks, Undecided and Buried and Dead, are absolute killers with ripping leads and buzzsaw rhythm guitars and it makes you wonder why some of the other tracks are so lackluster (their weak cover of My Girl springs to mind). 10 tracks like the aforementioned 2 and this would have been a monster. But as it is, there is a bit of something for everyone, a bit of psych, soul, dance tunes, tributes to Bo Diddley and Chuck Berry (in each's respective style) and ballads. The last 4 tracks are non Lp tracks from a different source and quality is not quite as good as the LP itself, but interesting for a listen.
Something I posted as a request over at groovyfab, 2 of the 3 pre-Alice Cooper singles released in '66 and '67. From a boot 7" EP called the Spiders Vs. the Nazz. This is the 2nd single by the Spiders and the only Nazz (Cooper's or should I say Furnier's Nazz, not the Rundgren group) single. Sound quality is not the best, but not all of these have ever seen a legit rerelease, so here they are.
http://rapidshare.com/files/318243/AC-SvsN.rarBefore I put a questions to all you wonderful readers out there in blogland, here is a final album for today. A request from a week or so ago for some Birth Control. This is an overview of sorts spanning the years 1972-1976 and is called Birth Control Vol.2. Sorry couldn't find a cover for it, but it is a good sampler to decide if you want to explore this band further or not. If so, I can post more from these guys as I have several of their albums.
And now, I mentioned doing this several weeks ago and the idea just kinda faded away due to my short attention span, but I have been steadily putting a list of things I'd either like to hear, to replace stuff I lost (or got stolen, or sold) or just would like to have. This is a small sampling of my list which numbers over 2000 items at this time (and grows almost daily) and we'll see how it goes (if there is a decent response, I will post more eventually). If anyone can help out with anything on this list, I can email a list of stuff I have available (a trade off of sorts) and try to return the favor. If anyone wants to help me out, please email me at the address in my profile or leave a comment with a way for me to get in touch. Thanks in advance to any and all who can help me out.
A Foot In Cold Water - 2nd Foot In Cold Water/ All Around Us ('74 Daffodil)/ Breaking Through (77 Anthem) all are Canadian
Armaggeddon - same (69 Amos 7008) not the UK band or the German
Ashkan - In From the Cold (70 Sire 97017)
Atlee - Plant Me Now & Dig Me (73 Chelsea)
Aunt Mary - Live Reunion ('81)
Avalanche - same (76 or 77 ABC 1000)
Bachman Turner Overdrive - Japan Tour Live (77 Mercury Japan)
Bad Boy - Back To Back (78 United Artists)/The Band That Made Milwaukee Famous/Private Party (80 Streetwise 4321)/Electric Eyes (1984)
Bang - Music
Bastard - Back To the Nature (77 Nova 23288)/Tearing Nights (78 Nova 23619)/Live & Alive (80 Lava 8055) All German
Bedlam - same (73 Chrysalis 1048)
Bel Ami - Berlin Bel Nacht (79 Teldec) German
Bighorn - same (78 Columbia)
Birth Control - same (70 Prophesy 1002)/Operation/Hoodoo Man/Back Door Possibilities (76 Brain, German)/ Increase (77)/Titanic (78 Brain German)/Live '79
the Biz - A Matter of Time (79 Bent)Canadian
Blackfeather - any except At the Mountain of Madness
Blackfoot Sue - any
Blackhorse - same (79 DSDA 001) US
Blackstone - same (71 Epic 30470)
Boomtown Rats - 1st (77 Mercury)
Buffalo - any except Dead Forever and Volcanic Rock
Bulldog - same (72 Decca 75340)/Smasher (74 Buddah 5600)
Cargoe - (72 Ardent 2802)
Clear Blue Sky - Destiny (71 Vertigo)UK
Claw - Diggin' In
the Coloured Balls - any
Condition Green - Life of Change (Japan)
Copperhead - same (73 Columbia 32250)US
Corp. Gander's Fire Dog Brigade - On the Rock(71 Europa 460)German
Crack the Sky - same/ Animal Notes
Dionysos - any (Canadian)
Dirty Tricks - Night Man
DMZ - same (78 Sire 6051)
Dogfeet - same (70 Reflection) UK
Downtrip - If You Don't Rock Now
Face Dancer - This World/About Face (both US)
Fastbuck - same (UK)
Finch - any (the prog instrumental band)except Glory of the Inner Force
Flying Squad - same (78 Epic 82875)UK
Freedom - any
Freedom's Children - any except the 1968 LP
Furr - same (77 MagnaGlide)US
Gale Force - any
Hairy Chapter - Electric Sounds For Dancing (German, 1969)
Hammersmith - same
Hard Stuff - Bulletproof/Bolex Dementia
Harlequin - Victim of a Song/One Flase Move/Love Crimes
Haystacks Balboa - any
Heavy Load - Full Speed At High Level
Hello - Keeps Us Off the Streets
Help - same/ 2nd Coming
Highway Robbery - For Love Or Money
Horse - same
Horses - same (70 White Whale)
Hustler - High Street
Edit one, about 10 albums removed already. Thanks to all who have helped so far!!!!
Edit two, 5 more removed! Thanks!
Edit three, 4 more gone!! Yeehaaaa!!
Just removed 4 more.