


I must apologize for this one. I promised this to someone a long time ago and no matter how hard I tried it just doesn't sound too hot. The records are not in very good shape and it shows. It could definetly use someone who has some kind of editing software's magic touch. But beneath the surface (noise) there is some great blues rock goin' on here. This is (Neil) Merryweather's Word of Mouth 2 LP set from 1970 and has guests like Steve Miller, Howard Roberts, Barry Goldberg, and Dave Mason.

Another Krautrock album, here is Agitation Free's 2nd from 1973. Great album!!!!!

And yet another Krautrock album, Gaa from 1974 with Alraune Alptraum
I just got this a few days ago so I'll reserve any judgement til later.

This is a request from a friend, Paul, and this is the first of 3 or 4 albums by these guys I will be posting. This first one is from 1979 and is Flying Colors from Trooper, a cool AOR band from Canada. They had a semi-hit with Raise A Little Hell back in the early 80's that gets a spin or two still once in a while. I think I have that album too, but this was the first I grabbed.
Before I turn it over to two friends, I am taking a break for a day or two. I'll pop in from time to time to make sure I didn't f**k anything up and to respond to any comments but I have uploaded more than 25 albums and live shows and stuff in the past few days and I don't wanna burn out. So if you dig the stuff I'm doin' why not stop over at my other blog (which will be getting it's update when I finish this (new shows from Molly Hatchet and Fastway, more Stones demos, and a Lowell George Little Feat boot) and give me a few clicks on my sponsors up at the top of the page. Thanks!!!
And as I said up top, here are some links some friends sent, thanks to Bruce and Aveek.
From Bruce (these are WMA files):
the new chocolate watch band - get away from a couple years ago. 11 new songs. and josephus dead man alive.
From Aveek :
Links to Indus Creed albums:
Indus Creed (Rock Machine): 3 full albums: Rock 'N' Roll Renegade (1988), The Second Coming (1990) & Indus Creed (1995)
Indus Creed Lyrics:
Indus Creed CD Covers:
T2 - Fantasy CD cover:
thanks for posting the neil meeryweather .Bruce
Thanks for the stuff. Again. Grabbing the Trooper. Recognise the cover, so I may have had it years back. Find out soon enuff! Bobbins
Thanks for Trooper
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