I found a nice link for everyone to check out whileI was searching to make sure what I am posting isn't already somewhere else (it's gettin' tough to be original folks!!!). This one has the Blackwater Park LP that was requested (the links are working still on all the stuff I checked, but I make no promises, cuz it's from about 5 months ago, might wanna get there fast).
Go down the list a bit and you'll find not only the above album (which is great BTW) by cool stuff by Beggar's Opera and Nektar and others.
For my posts today, the first one is questionable, but I couldn't find it anywhere so I reupped it. It is the 2nd album by the Hook, called the Hook Will Grab You. I believe it was either ChrisGoesRock or Chocoreve where I got this, but I couldn't find it at either blog so here it is.


This is the first LP by Atlantis from 1972 with the incredible vocals of Inga Rumpf (I think I spelled it right). A fun rockier effort from the German band that I ripped a few years ago from vinyl. Sorry for the pops & cracks. Again I found some covers for this and they are in the rar file.
And finally for this lovely Thursday evening is a great jazz rock band. Reminiscent of Zappa at times but still a nice cross between progressive and jazz rock. It's the wonderfully named Dr. Dopo Jam and their wonderfully titled 1974 LP Fat Dogs and Danishmen.

See you in a day or two. Enjoy!
Thanx for the DR Dopo Jam. Very nice jazzy stuff. I forgot to ask last time - do you have the first Glass Harp album called Live At Carnegie Hall? Or anynthing else by this band? Phill Keaggy is incredible guitarist and Ive been looking for his music for many years. Unfortunately it is extremely hard to find...
Wojtek (from Poland)
I do have a Glass Harp CD tucked away somewhere. I will dig it out and post it very soon. It's great stuff.
Thank you very much!!!!
Danny here.
Thanks a lot for the Blackwater Park link! It's still available. I'm going to listen to it this weekend.
Thanx again and grtz,
thanks for the atlantis, Bruce
Set the Way Back Machine to 1970 Mr. Peabody!! Wow, flashback to practicing with my band in the church mutli-purpose room and playing Son of Fantasy. Thanks for the The Hook post!!
FYI - we got to use the church room for practice after school everyday in exchange for one "dance" a month on a Fiday night in the chapel...
Thank you so much for Dr Dopo Jam! Been wanting to hear them for ages. You wouldn't happen to have their first album as well?
Anyway thanks for an excellent blog.
Oh man, the Dr. Dopo Jam link has been deleted. Any way you can put that bad boy back up?
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