It's only been a short while since I began this blog and already ten thousand hits has been reached. I am amazed! When I started out I figured if I could turn a few people on to my eclectic taste in tunes it would be worth it. But I never imagined this...hell less than a month ago I never even knew this world existed and I can't express how glad I am I've found it.
I've met several great people since I started doing this, such as Hans (whose inspiration to try this in the first place cannot be stated enough, let alone the fact it was he who sent a great many in my direction) and Jiltz, Baz and all the great people over the groovy fab (blog AND forum). There are so many people that led me in the right direction, gave me advice, linked to my site (I promise I link back very soon, I am a bit slow at html)enlightened me to things I would have never known had I not found this world. Such as Hazy Dave, Lisa over at Ezhevica Psych (who has the coolest stuff + thanks for the Collector's Dreams), Microdot, Donno, Eddie Riff, Art, dtfloyd, Pappy, Madame Candyman, Ozzy, ChrisGoes, chocoreve and anyone I've forgotten (sorry). It's late and I am suffering from a major flu virus and my brain feels like it used to after one of those all night high school parties.
So now that's finished, here are some more groovin' tunes for everyone to devour and decide if they want seconds or not.

Mighty Baby - same
Cool slice of UK psych with several bonus tracks. The original LP was released on Head records (#025 in the US)in 1969 (some sources say '70) and was the band's first of 2 albums (thanks, Donno). It's is one of my favorites ever since I found a beat up copy in a thrift store many years ago. This is one of those albums I will leave my comments out of and let the listener decide, but if you like UK psych, I don't think this will disappoint. Unfortunetly this one is at 128kbps.

Magna Carta - Seasons
The second LP by Magna Carta (released in 1970 on Dunhill)wasn't their best by a long shot. Most of the short tracks are a bit to poppy and folksy and it seems like the band are searching for a direction (thankfully, they didn't take any of these paths). But on the 22+ minute title track we have an epic of grand proportions as we go from Moodies-like story telling and some psych drenched musical interludes. Magna Carta are still at it after all these years (at least last time I checked they were) and many of their albums are worth giving a listen to, this one included.

Demien - same
When I uploaded the Bubble Puppy album the other day, I wanted to stick Demian on also, but couldn't find it. Of course, it turned up a few days later as I was looking for something else, so I sat it aside to get to later. It's basically the same band, the same acid drenched guitar sound, but in a more hard rock direction (although I still hear faint echos of psych within the grooves). It was released on ABC records in 1970, and was, as the Bubble Puppy album a one shot deal. How do guys this talented get shuffled under the rug like they did?
It's beyond me!

Titus Groan - same
I've grown to like this quirky album over a few listens, but it is one I have to be in the mood for. It's 110% prog and quite a handful of an album, but has it's rewards. Released on the Janus label in the US in 1970 it was the first and last gasp for this band.

And last but by no means least, one of my heroes, Rory Gallagher!!
The first time I encountered Rory was on an old television show called "Night Flight" on the U.S.A. network. I was 13 or 14 at the time and shaping my opinions on music fully. Well regardless of what came on that show, I would watch it and found a lot of great artists & groups that remained favorites over the years. Anyways.....Night Flight announces that up next is a Rory Gallagher concert and I said Who? What? But I watch....this very non-chalant guy walks onto a tiny stage dressed in a flannel shirt and dirty jeans with a beat to death Fender Strat that looked like it was rescued from a junkyard. He plugs audience quiets....he steps up to mike slowly and thanks the audience for coming out....then his hand hits the volume knob and this unbelievably ferocious sound comes out. The band joins in and........PURE BLISS!!!!...I was in love with guy's music. I have damn near every album the man ever put out in his lifetime and quite a few boots also. There is nothing like Rory live, his studio albums, while quite good, just cannot match the unbridled passion Rory gave out in concert. Sadly he is no longer with us, but his music will be a joy to me for the rest of my life.
This is a concert from London back in his heyday. It is a tad rough in spots (but so was Rory!!). It was around the time he released Photo Finish which is my favorite studio album, and has a few songs from it the way that should be heard. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!!!