This was by request from Groovy Fab forum.



And finally for today (unless I get bored later) here is an album that doesn't quite fit the theme, but I uploaded it yesterday and forgot to post it. So here is Nucleus' outstanding prog opus Solar Plexus. Released in 1971 on the highly collectible Vertigo label (6360-039).
Some links to my files that were originally posted elsewhere.
Spooky Tooth-You Broke My Heart So I Busted Your Jaw
Spooky Tooth - Spooky Two
Gentle Giant - Aquiring the Taste
Gentle Giant - Power and the Glory
McDonald & Giles - same (there is a higher bit rate posted elsewhere)
Nilsson - Nilsson Schmillson and Son of Schmillson
another Spooky Tooth - Last Puff
Great posts! Have linked you to my blog! Thank you!
I'm the one who requested the NRPS at GroovyFab Forum.
All I can say is: THANKS IMMENSELY!!!
There was a lamentable hole in my collection, and this definitely helps to fill it!
Me again ...
NRPS @256 kbps too!!!
It don't git no better than this!
Had to drop by and say much thanks for the NRPS and the Live Poco!
i didn't know the NRPS: so i think some good country is great!!
thanks for your blog
I'm back! Just wanted to say that Poco stuff is F***king great. What harmonies!!!
Here's a Poco treat! Not as good as this but still not too bad for RealMedia!
The Rapidshare Nilsson files wouldn't open!
Did anyone else have any trouble?
I need some lime in my coconut!
Thanks so much for all you do!
Only the best!
I tried the Poco, too, and got the same error!
I'm using stuffit 8 and get this error:
Engine error: format error
Is the problem on my end.
I can open Rapidshare .rar's from Hans' site and others.
How can I join the party?
I need sweet sounds!
Thanks again!
HI, just discovered your blog and it's simply GREAT! thanks for the Spooky Tooth links, sadly the LAST PUFF one was deleted, by some mysterious force of the nature, who knows? I immensely appreciate the YOU BROKE MY HEART SO...ONE. I have this album (vinyl). This band had two fantastic vocalists (Mike Harrison and Gary Wright). Just want to say that my vinyl album has the same cover of the CD edition ( ando not the indicated as the original cover), as someone wrote in the file. Thanks and a gain, great job!
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