Here is another great Poobah LP for you to enjoy.

This is the self titled sole Lp from a jazz-rock-whatever they decide to do next- group of guys who call themselves Archie Whitewater. The album was released on Cadet Concept (#329) in 1970. It really is a mixed bag of sounds with jazz, blues, rock, soul all playing parts. Kinda like a poor man's BS&T but this album is much rarer than anything DCT and the boys ever did.

And yet another installment of of the Van Der Graaf saga. This is Still Life which was the follow-up to yesterday's God Bluff. It was released on Mercury here in the states in 1976 (SRM-1-1096) and is only 160kbps. Still sounds purty good to my ears (and hopefully yours too!!).
And finally for yet another request here is Duster Bennett's great white boy blues LP 12db. Released in 1970 on the Blue Horizon label it has long been a fave. No cover for this one, plenty available on google but I just didn't like the sizes. For some reason it was released with 2 similar but different covers in the US and UK, the design the same on both but the UK's is a bone-tan and the US is a bluesy blue. Oh well, the music is the same in both versions and since this is from one of my old scratchy ass LPs, the file is divided between Side one and Side Two. Track listing as follows:
1 Slim's Tune
2 I Chose to Sing the Blues
3 Sugar Beet
4 I Love My Baby
5 Vitamin Pills
6 Everyday t
7 Act Nice and Gentle
8 Woman Without Love
9 That Mean Old Look
10 Sweeter Than Sugar
11 On Reconsideration
12 Hill Street Rag
i listened New Trolls album, the first song make me fear (i don't like it) and the album it's better in the continuity
but i think it's more pop than prog and maybe i have a problem for listen songs in italian
thanks for the blog
Could you reuload Still Life? There only seems to be 5 coies of "Pilgrims".
all songs are -Pilgrims-
Please put on a new link
Had an urge for some Duster Bennett. Searched and found your blog. Any remote chance of re-upping this Duster Bennett again?
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