There is Moby Dick the Zep song, Moby Dick the punk band and Moby Dick the extreme metal band. There is also Moby Dick from Italy who did some great ahead of their time boogie metal and here is the self titled LP from 1973. A great LP that is extremely rare. Akarma did a CD reissue a few years back.
I highly recommend this one.

A great acid rock LP with early traces of metal and a heavy Steppenwolf vibe. Mount Rushmore released two smokin' LPs on Dot, This was their 1st from 1969.

Lastly here is the hard to find soundtrack from 1992 for the movie Bad Channels. This movie with it's hair metal themes should have been called Bad Timing, because that what it became a victim to. Released at the beginning of the grunge era, nevertheless containing some great music by Blue Oyster Cult (and a band called Joker) that was sadly overlooked.
Well that's it for now. I am still working on the 2nd Dust LP, it is causing me some problems with ripping. I'll get it figured out eventually and it will be here. Here is a short list of a few ideas I have for my next couple posts, any requests on these?
Kevin Ayers - Joy of a Toy//Marc Benno - Ambush//Bullfrog-same ('76 LP)//Byzantium - same//Crabby Appleton - same//Eloy - Planets//Faust - IV//Fever Tree - For Sale//Ford Theater - Trilogy For the Masses//the Godz - Godzundheit//Jamme - same//Khan - Space Shanty//Magma - Udu Wudu
If any seem interesting let me know. Have a great Sunday!!!
Thanks in advance if you want to do Marc Benno someday!
Ummm....yes, please.
And thanks for some of these picks...particularly the Missus Beastly, which I also already had in my collection, but it's great to see them get highlighted, here.
The Khan, Fever Tree...well, all of those have eluded me.
Do you have any wishlist items, so that I may return the favor?
You don't wanna see my wishlist (lol)!! It's 270 pages and growing. But I did post a small wishlist over at Lost and Found albums blog and also at the Groovy Fag forums which I don't seem to having much luck with in either place. It includes the Dictators Bloodbrothers and Manifest Destiny, Flat Earth Society - Waleeco and more. Some others briefly are Simon Dupree and the Big Sound, Dyson's Faces, Earthern Vessel, Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera, any albums on the Justice from '65 to '69, 808 Ridge, Faun's self titled, and many more.
If you give me a a small example of what you have, I'm sure something would spark an interest.
that's Justice label on above post.
You have a great blog with many good albums.
I have The Dictators Bloodbrothers and Manifest Destiny on CD.
I'll upload the both albums for you
on Rapidshare later this week.
I'll be back later with the links for you.
Nils---you are the man!! I have been looking for Manifest for ages...I used to have Bloodbrothers on vinyl and loved every second of it. Thanks!!!!!!
I would love to see Jamme!!
I'll get it on real soon Rob! By the way I decided not to post the Khan here because Microdot posted it over at the groovy fab forum, so no use in two of 'em floating around.
Great blog, some fantastic old stuff here!
Can I request Magma-Udu Wudu please? Been looking for that for a little while...
Thanks, keep up the good work!
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